Éric Duhaime county organizer arrested

A county organizer from Éric Duhaime’s party was arrested by the Sûreté du Québec for bogging down the COVID-19 vaccination appointment system.

Follower of conspiratorial speeches, Sylvie Paradis, 54, was arrested on March 23 and is expected to face a misdemeanor charge.

His residence in Saint-Léandre, near Matane, in Bas-Saint-Laurent, was also searched by the police.

According to our information, the fifties would have recorded about fifty false appointments on the Clic Santé platform.

These actions would have had the effect of slowing down the vaccination campaign, in addition to unnecessarily mobilizing employees.

Sylvie Paradis had also revealed the details of her alleged scheme in two Facebook publications dated December 8, 2021.

She then claimed to take “false” appointments for the “COVID injection [sic] » by entering incorrect information in the booking forms. “So that he has the fewest appointments available [sic] “, she wrote.

Joined yesterday afternoon at work, Sylvie Paradis briefly confirmed that she had been arrested for making false appointments.

Alongside Duhaime

Since the beginning of the year, the lady has held the vice-presidency of the Constituency Association of the Conservative Party of Quebec in Matane-Matapédia.

A photograph published last summer in a local newspaper exposes him alongside Éric Duhaime.

In an interview, the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec says he does not know this organizer personally, who would have resigned in the wake of his arrest.

“She has no role, she is not in my entourage. It was an activist who volunteered. She campaigned for the party, yes, she was a member of the party,” he retorted, adding that it was impossible to scrutinize the 56,000 members of the PCQ, nor to intervene in the formation of associations. of county.

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“Not a good idea”

Éric Duhaime nevertheless wanted to condemn the alleged acts.

“It is sure that it is not a good idea and that she did not do that in the name of the party”, he argued.

Sylvie Paradis was released on a promise to appear. She must appear in May at the Matane courthouse, where she must be officially charged summarily.

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