Erdogan’s Boundless Challenge: He Talked About “National Oath” Turkey With Territories From Greece, Bulgaria, And Iraq [δείτε χάρτες]

“We will not look at the tears of anyone who has aspirations in our country. We will not tolerate anyone who tries against our country. We will not allow any intervention either in the 782 thousand square kilometers of our homeland, nor in the geography of the National Oath” said Tayyip Erdoğan according to SKAI’s Istanbul correspondent Manolis Kostidis.

The Turkish National Oath (Turkish: Misakı Milli) is a six-point declaration passed by the last Ottoman parliament in the early 1920s, referencing the decisions of the Turkish nationalist assemblies in Erzurum and Sebastien.

The oath set the borders of the future Turkish Republic, based on the recent borders of the Ottoman Empire, defeated in World War I, including, among others, “the areas of Kirkuk, Thessaloniki, Aleppo and Mosul”.

The main lines of the Oath were formed in the national Congress of Erzurum (Erzurum Kongresi, July 22 – August 7, 1919) and the equivalent of Sebastia (Sivas Kongresi, September 4-11, 1919), of the Turkish National Movement and Mustafa Kemal.

The reports of the Oath

The terms of the Turkish national oath are:

The future of the areas that were inhabited by a majority of Arabs at the time of the signing of the Mudros Armistice will be determined by referendum. Those areas which were not under the occupation of the allies at the time of the signing of the armistice and had a Turkish-Muslim majority constitute the homeland of the Turkish nation.

The future of the regions of Kars, Ardahan and Vatum will be determined by a referendum.

The status of the region of Western Thrace will be determined by the vote of its inhabitants.

The safety of Constantinople and the Sea of ​​Marmara should be ensured. The regime of free movement of products as well as transport through the Bosphorus Straits and the Dardanelles will be determined between Turkey and the other states concerned.

Minority rights will be ensured on the basis of reciprocity of Muslim minority rights in neighboring countries.

With the goal of developing the country at every level, its freedom and independence should be ensured, which will be achieved by removing every obstacle in the economic, political and legal fields.

Although the Treaty of Lausanne of 1923 annuls the Turkish national oath, yet Turkey’s modern foreign policy seems to revive it along with Turkish nationalism. Alexandretta (annexed by disputed referendum in 1939) and occupied Cyprus are within the borders of the Turkish national oath, as are the territories of foreign and sovereign states in which Turkey is currently operating without their consent (Iraq, Syria). As far as the Greek territories are concerned, western Thrace, the Dodecanese and the whole of Cyprus are included in the boundaries of the revived Turkish national oath.

The maps of the national oath

Erdogan Condolences on Sinwar’s Death: I Wish God’s Mercy on the Hamas Leader Who Fell as a Martyr

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed condolences for the death of the head of the Hamas Political Bureau, Gahia Sinuar, who was killed in a clash with the Israeli army in Gaza.

Speaking at an event with community leaders from across Turkey, President Erdogan said that “words are no longer enough to describe the massacres that have been happening in Gaza for a year and that extended to Lebanon last month. The USA, Europe and the UN have become playthings in the hands of the criminal called Netanyahu. The West remains silent in the face of the Israeli genocide. The killer of 50,000 innocents is Israel’s illegal occupation forces, but those who unconditionally support the Israeli government are also complicit in this massacre.”

Turning his arrows inside Turkey as well and referring to the mass civil protests of 2013, known as the “Gezi Park episodes”, he said that “we could not see any of those who camped in Taksim for a month during the events of Gezi protesting about Palestine and Lebanon”.

“As Turkey, we are the enemy of the oppressor and the protector of the oppressed. We stand by the Palestinian people in their struggle for dignity and freedom against the genocidal network,” the Turkish president said, adding: “I salute all the heroes of the Palestinian resistance and wish God’s mercy on the recently fallen leader of Hamas, Gahia Sinwar as a witness”.

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