Erdogan challenges from the occupied territories: Mitsotakis came to honor the EOKA terrorists, what is the Prime Minister expected to say – 2024-07-21 05:16:06

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in his speech before the parade in the occupied territories said he was happy to celebrate the anniversary of the “peace operation” of 1974 “which enabled the Turkish Cypriot people to gain freedom” and conveyed the greetings of 85 million Turks.

He also said that the invasion of 1974 showed that the Turkish Cypriots are not alone and that the Turkish Cypriot Mujahideen fought shoulder to shoulder with the Turkish Mehmetsik for the freedom of “Northern Cyprus”.

Erdogan said that the pseudo-state “is the apple of our eye and part of our life” and this proves that Turkey’s government and opposition are present together as they were half a century ago.

The Turkish President claimed that the invasion of 1974 happened because from 1963 to 1974, the Turkish Cypriots were “imprisoned” in enclaves that made up 3% of the territory of Cyprus.

“In 1974,” he said, “the attacks on the existence of Turkish Cypriots reached their peak. 50 years ago today, Mehmetcik (Turkish army) took a historic step to remove the dagger that was intended to strike at their independence. As a guarantor country and motherland we took action with our rights and obligations. We fulfilled whatever responsibility our conscience characterized us as human beings. That day we showed that the Turkish Cypriots were not alone.”

According to Erdogan, “the peace operation of 1974 brought freedom and prosperity to the Turkish Cypriots. We see July 20 as a symbol of protecting sovereign rights and equality. In the South (free Cyprus), there is a wrong mentality so that they see themselves as the sole owner of Cyprus.”

Referring to the arrival of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, he said that he is coming to honor the EOKA terrorists, while the Greek Cypriots reveal that they have no intention of sharing political power and natural resources with the Turkish Cypriots.

And Erdogan continued: “We told Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis that we would be in Northern Cyprus on July 20. He is also in South Cyprus. We said, ‘I guess you won’t bother us,’ and he said, ‘I wouldn’t think of that.'”

Attack on Dendias as well

Erdogan claimed that the Republic of Cyprus was showing irresponsibility and noted that “no one can step into the same river twice”. At the same time, he also attacked Nikos Dendias.

“Recently, the Greek Minister of Defense made absurd statements. We recently met with Mr. Mitsotakis and I told him: “We will be in North Cyprus on July 20 and you will be in the South, I guess you won’t bother us from there.” He said he won’t. Extremely irresponsible steps are being taken. You can’t wash yourself twice with the same water,” he claimed.

No to a federal solution

He argued that a federal solution cannot be achieved, because the realities on the island must now be recognized, since the efforts made failed due to the responsibility of the Greek side.

“It does no good for anyone to say let’s continue the negotiations where we left off in Switzerland. We are ready to negotiate. We don’t leave any hand reaching for a solution dangling. If you want a solution, recognize the acquired rights of the Turkish Cypriots. I also hope to see the days when the leaders of the guarantor powers of Greece, Turkey, Britain, will visit the island together. I told Mr. Mitsotakis personally. The development of relations between Turkey and Greece will also contribute to the Cyprus issue.

Erdogan, like Tatar before, claimed that the arrests made for the usurpation of Greek Cypriot properties in the occupied territories are the wrong pressure, because “the ‘Turkish Cypriot people’ do not succumb to threats and Turkey cannot ignore the Turkish Cypriots”.

The Turkish President said that the struggle for recognition of the pseudo-state and for a two-state solution continues. Finally, he referred to a decision he made so that Turkish Cypriot students receive the same privileges in Turkey as Turks, for studying at universities. And he concluded “As Turkey we will continue to share our bread, water and future with our Cypriot brothers”.

Greek positions on the Cyprus issue are firm, we remain committed to the reunification solution, say diplomatic sources

The Greek positions on the Cyprus issue have been clearly formulated and fixed for decades, diplomatic sources from Athens report, responding to what was heard and adding that the positions “are expressed uniformly by the Greek prime minister and the Greek government. Greece, in solidarity with the Republic of Cyprus, remains firmly committed to the solution of the reunification of Cyprus, within the framework of the decisions of the United Nations Organization, and will continue to do so. There is not, nor might be, a question of deviating from this position in accordance with international law.

Besides, the Prime Minister will be appointed tonight from Nicosia”.

Christodoulidis: No matter what Erdogan says, Turkey remains responsible for violating international law

The Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulidis, today following the memorial services for the fallen, commenting on Erdogan’s presence in the occupied territories, said that what was said is “the repeated rhetoric, the efforts of occupying Turkey. Whatever he does, whatever Mr. Erdogan and his representatives in the occupied territories say, Turkey, 50 years later, continues to be responsible for the violation of human rights of the entire Cypriot people, for the violation of international law. If Turkey really wants conditions of security and stability to prevail in the wider region, if Turkey really wants to get closer to the EU, with all the benefits that entail for Turkey itself, and if it wants to participate in this effort of the states of the region for regional stability and security, he knows very well what the path is to achieve it.”

Tatar delirium with references to Mitsotakis, Dendias and appeal to Andreas Papandreou

The Turkish Cypriot leader, in his speech at the parade in occupied Nicosia, repeated the well-known claims of Turkey’s “peaceful” operation in 1974 because, as he said, “the Greek Cypriot leadership, by force of arms, tried to use the Republic of Cyprus as a springboard for the Union of Cyprus with Greece, excluding the Turkish Cypriots from the state founded in 1960”.

He blames the Greek side for the negotiations

Tatar claimed that the pseudo-state will sooner or later take their rightful place in the world and achieve their goals.

The Turkish Cypriot leader then referred to the rounds of negotiations from 1974 to 2017, saying that they failed because of the attitude of the Greek side. “The Greek side,” he said, “still insists on a solution in which the Turkish Cypriots will be a minority in a federation which will take the form of a single state within the EU.”

The Turkish Cypriots, Tatar said, are never going to accept this solution by abandoning their “state and sovereignty”, simultaneously renouncing Turkey’s guarantees, the presence of the Turkish army in Cyprus and the rights of intervention.

He then referred to the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots and the goodwill they showed by approving the Annan Plan which was rejected by the Greek Cypriots.

He insists on a two-state solution

Ersin Tatar said that following the Cran Montana shipwreck in 2017, the Turkish side declared in 2021 that it cannot further discuss a federation solution and demands the recognition of sovereign equality and a two-state solution.

As he claimed, the UN Secretary General agrees with him, that there is no common ground for the resumption of talks.

The Turkish Cypriot leader claimed that the Republic of Cyprus has become a center of military operations, making agreements that endanger all of Cyprus. He probably meant military cooperation with Israel and threats made by Hezbollah.
He then referred to the recent visit of the Minister of National Defense Nikos Dendias to Cyprus, saying that he agreed with the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Cyprus on the construction of a naval base in Mari, near Larnaca.

It should be noted that the Mari Naval Base has existed for many years, while the decision to expand it was taken by the Anastasiades government, starting in 2019, to also serve ships of the French Navy.

He also referred to provocations by Nikos Dendias with statements once morest the Turkish army and to Nicosia’s provocative steps, carrying out joint military exercises with other countries.

Tatar accused the international community of being silent today in front of the drama that the Palestinians are living, as it did in 1963-64 for the Turkish Cypriots. He claimed that the events in Gaza demonstrate how important guarantees are and why Turkish Cypriots insist on maintaining Turkey’s guarantees as well as the presence of the Turkish army in Cyprus.

Then referring to Tayyip Erdogan he said: “Dear President. You became our voice, our breath, our breath at the UN, where the rights of the ‘Turkish Cypriot people’ are being violated and they are not represented.”

The references to Mitsotakis and Andreas Papandreou

Referring to today’s visit by Mitsotakis, Tatar said that “he is coming to Cyprus to condemn the 50th anniversary of Turkey’s peace operation, for the Cyprus issue” while Greece should be the first country to be condemned for the Cyprus issue.

The Turkish Cypriot leader cited Andreas Papandreou, saying that in his book “Democracy in Excerpt”, he mentions that his father, George Papandreou, “sent 20,000 Greek soldiers, dressed in civilian clothes and fully equipped, to come secretly to Cyprus in June 1964 ».

However, according to Tatar, Turkey with the “peace operation” in 1974 put an end to the massacre of Turkish Cypriots by the Athens junta and EOKA B and ended a civil war.

And Tarar concluded: “Happy is he who says I am a Turk.”

What is Kyriakos Mitsotakis expected to say?

The reports of the Turkish president did not cause surprise in Athens, since Ankara now directly promotes the two-state solution, in contrast to Cyprus and Greece which insist on a fair and sustainable solution, within the framework of the decisions of the UN Security Council.

The permanent positions are expected to be presented once once more by Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who will speak in the followingnoon at the Presidential Palace, responding to the invitation of Nikos Christodoulidis. It is the first time that a Greek prime minister goes to Megalonisos on the day of the black anniversary and undoubtedly this sends out a strong symbolism.

Government sources said that Mr. Mitsotakis will deliver an emotionally charged speech, in the spirit of the day, with very clear references to the Turkish occupation of a large part of Cyprus. At the same time, the prime minister will make a historical review of the previous decades and the history of the Cypriot, while he will insist that Greece joins Cyprus in all efforts to find a viable and sustainable solution, within the framework of the UN resolutions. Recently, following all, Mr. Mitsotakis met in New York with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, while the envoy of the Secretary-General, Mrs. Holguín-Quéjar, has delivered her report on how the talks might be restarted.

At the same time, it will send a message with an eye to the future, as it will focus on the restart part of the hysnomiles.

In the background, following all, the scenarios for a possible five-day meeting in the fall are being discussed, although a Christodoulidis-Tatar meeting takes precedence, which is constantly rescheduled.


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