Equity and prevention in the Cardiovascular Strategy

Specialists Azcutia and Egocheaga at SEMG Conference.

The Day’United in Cardiometabolic Health‘, organized by the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG) in Toledo, has today focused on the new Cardiovascular Health Strategy of the National Health System (Escav), recently approved by the Ministry of Health and which is being presented for the first time at a congress of health professionals. Primary Care.

The person in charge of breaking down its most outstanding points has been Rosario Azcutia GomezDirector of Care Continuity of the University Hospital October 12 of Madrid, who has highlighted that in the Escav, as its own name indicates, emphasis is placed on health and not on illness, although the cardiovascular clinical entities of greater impact because “this Strategy seeks to emphasize prevention and promotion”.

Among its priority lines of action is the prevention of risk factor’sfrom an integral vision, and the empowerment from citizenship to promotion and taking care of your own health. In other words, “involve and train the patient and/or citizen so that they know the situation of cardiovascular diseases and how to avoid them through a healthy lifestyle”.

All this, “from a perspective of equity in access to preventive, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation aspects, and focusing on gender equity”, according to what Dr. Azcutia has transferred to those attending the national meeting organized by the SEMG. “Women know less, take less care of themselves and have different access to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases”, as shown by some research referenced in her own Strategy.

Multidisciplinary approach in cardiovascular pathology

The expert wanted to highlight the important collaborative work carried out in the preparation of the new SNS Cardiovascular Health Strategy. As one of the scientific coordinators of the Escav, Azcutia explained that she has had the participation of various professionals involved in the promotion, prevention y attention of the cardiovascular diseases, from all categories and levels of care and communities in the country. In the same way, the methodology used has included the patients themselves, who have been contributing their feedback in all phases, at the same level as the scientific societies and representatives of all the Autonomous Communities.

Under a premise of multidisciplinary approachthe encounter ‘United in Cardiometabolic Health‘ brings together on September 30 and October 1 in Toledo family doctors from all over the country interested in updating their knowledge about cardiovascular pathology and the diabetes. During the Conference, the latest developments and clinical guidelines in these areas will be presented, by the members of the SEMG Cardiovascular and Diabetes Working Group, as well as doctors from other specialties (geriatrists, cardiologists, internists, nephrologists, endocrinologists…), to together provide a multidisciplinary vision focused on the patient.

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