Equine flu epizootic: the RESPE crisis unit sounds the alarm

Other information / 10.02.2023

In the context of significant circulation of the flu in recent weeks in Europe – and in France for the past fortnight – numerous outbreaks have been identified in training centers and trotter stables as well as a first confirmed case on a galloping horse. Therefore, the crisis cell of the RESPE (Equine pathology epidemio-surveillance network) met on February 8 in order to carry out an inventory of the situation vis-à-vis the flu on French territory. and define the recommendations to be followed.

Status report

Since November 2022, cases of equine influenza have multiplied in several northern European countries (United Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, etc.) and in France. Since the beginning of December, isolated cases have been confirmed in several departments (Vienne, Loiret) mainly in the Sport and Leisure sector. Since mid-January, numerous cases have been reported in training centers and trotter stables. The number of cases declared and confirmed at the RESPE does not reflect this epidemiological situation in the field and indicates a significant under-declaration of influenza cases, which has dangerously slowed the triggering of the crisis unit and the sector’s ability to react. .

Confirmed or suspected horses are in fact listed in several geographical areas (Calvados, Orne, Seine-et-Marne, Alpes-Maritimes, Center East, Paris region).

Epidemiological links have been established between certain training centres. Strict recommendations have been issued by LeTrot and health measures have been put in place.

Horses, even vaccinated, can present a peak of hyperthermia (40°C) which generally lasts 2 or 3 days, followed by coughing and throwing up. These clinical signs appear to be more severe in young horses and in horses arriving on recall dates. Some are also asymptomatic.

Strain typing of confirmed cases identified a strain belonging to clade 1, as in the rest of Europe at this time. Clade 1 strains have only been circulating once more in Europe since 2019 following being absent for a decade.

Faced with the threat of influenza, Arqana is increasing its vigilance

On Tuesday February 14 and Wednesday February 15, Arqana holds its February mixed sale. Following the RESPE alert, its recommendations and its call for the greatest vigilance in horse gatherings, Arqana indicates that it is very aware of this situation. The sales agency announces a reinforcement of the control of the vaccination status of horses cataloged at the February sale in advance. Sanitary measures will also be put in place when the horses are unloaded. Finally, the agency relies on everyone’s common sense to anticipate any problem.

All equestrian gatherings under surveillance

If the races are now under close surveillance, the current period sees the start of the breeding season for all breeds. If, for the moment, no case has been reported or confirmed in the livestock sector, the movements which will intensify in the coming weeks are a major risk (gatherings, mixing of different populations, stress, etc.). Precautionary measures are therefore strongly recommended and must be applied, in particular for stud farms and breeding centres, with strict verification of the vaccination status of incoming horses and implementation as far as possible from quarantine to introduction.

Competitions and other equestrian events will also multiply: Agricultural Show, stallion presentation shows, sports meetings and races, etc. The organizers are invited to rigorously apply the regulations in force or, in the event of absence, to apply a health protocol: flu vaccination less than 6 months old, temperature monitoring (before, during and following the event), immediate isolation in the event of of hyperthermia.

Focus vaccins

It should be noted that following several months of tension in the supply of flu vaccines, the situation is back to normal. Stocks are replenished and sufficient.

Vaccinations once morest tetanus and once morest tetanus and influenza are still not available, but the tetanus booster may be delayed.

Mistrust of owners/holders of declarations of sick horses

After a notable improvement in the level of transparency, the reluctance of professionals to declare their sick horses is once more on the rise. This distrust also seems to affect veterinarians this time, with a reduction in the number of declarations to the RESPE or the number of confirmation analyzes sent to the analysis laboratories, in particular those linked to the network.

This situation hampers the proper management of a contagious disease and of collective interest. This under-declaration has led to a significant discrepancy between the actual situation on the ground and the health indicators closely monitored by the health managers of the sector. This delay in responsiveness might be detrimental both in terms of health and economics (reduction in the number of starters, increased constraints, cancellation of events, etc.).

At this stage, the crisis unit invites the organizers of gatherings and participants, coaches, riders, care staff, etc. strict compliance with preventive measures and the implementation of the most rigorous health protocols.

In everyone’s interest, the crisis unit also recommends reporting any suspicion and above all any confirmed case, whether by an analysis laboratory or by a rapid test. As a reminder, RESPE alerts and communications guarantee the anonymity of the places of detention and the names of the owners and holders of equidae, the only information disseminated is that relating to the sick animal, when known (breed, sex , age and activity) and its detention department.



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