Equal Pay Day 2024: Closing the Wage Gap and Promoting Equal Opportunities

2024-02-14 14:19:00

14.02.2024 15:19

(Akt. 14.02.2024 15:19)

AK President Renate Anderl emphasizes “Flowers and chocolate are nice, but what women really need are fair pay, closing the wage gap and framework conditions that ensure equal opportunities in all areas.” ©APA

Equal Pay Day, which shines a spotlight on the pay gap between men and women every year, falls on Valentine’s Day in 2024. This day is a reminder that women in Austria still earn significantly less than their male colleagues for the same or equivalent work.

Equal Pay Day highlights the gender-specific income gap: women have to work until this date in order to statistically achieve the same income that men received at the end of the previous year. Despite the generous gifts many women receive on Valentine’s Day, financial inequality persists. The gender pay gap is currently 12.4 percent, compared to 13 percent last year.

The gender pay gap is currently 12.4 percent, compared to 13 percent last year. ©APA

Urgent demands

For Equal Pay Day 2024, the focus is on income transparency, the upgrading of low-wage sectors and the expansion of child care. These measures are intended to help close the wage gap and promote equal opportunities.

Regional differences

The income differences vary greatly by state. While in Vienna the difference is relatively small at 3.2 percent, in Vorarlberg there is a significant gap of 21.1 percent.

“Flowers and chocolate are nice, but what women really need is fair pay,” says AK President Renate Anderl.

The position of the Chamber of Labor

AK President Renate Anderl emphasizes “Flowers and chocolate are nice, but what women really need is fair pay, closing the wage gap and framework conditions that ensure equal opportunities in all areas.”

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