EPT Cyprus: Kappa folds just before the bubble bursts – Assopoker

Ah, the European Poker Tour, where legends are born, dreams are dashed, and so much money changes hands that you’d think a Heist movie was unfolding in front of our very eyes! Welcome to the riveting world of poker, where players who should know better sometimes engage in card play that leaves even seasoned veterans scratching their heads.

Now, speaking of head-scratching moments, let’s set the scene on one fateful Day 2 of the EPT in Cyprus — also known as “The Day of the Great Fold.” This is when our hero, Peter Tschernigg, found himself in a situation that would test both his poker face and his capacity for sanity.

Fold to remember on the bubble

The bubble has burst, folks! Not the champagne kind, mind you, but the kind that makes everyone at the table tighten their game like a pair of pants after a visit to an all-you-can-eat buffet. And there’s Tschernigg, nestled comfortably in the Big Blind position with his pair of Kappa chips — or as some might refer to them, the Kings!

Just to clarify, when I say “Kappa,” I mean the two most regal-looking cards in poker: the Kings! But in a moment that could easily have been scripted by a mad playwright, Tschernigg decided to play his cards close to his chest. Well, closer to his chest than a secret lemonade drinker — he folded! And let me tell you, the audacity of this move was enough to make even the most stoic of poker faces break into a smirk.

Level number 13, Tschernigg with Kappa

Now we’re at Level 13, which we all know means trouble. The stakes are high and the tension in the air is thicker than the fog in a British rom-com. Our friend Mihai Niste opens with a bet of 5,000 from Middle Position — a bold move! All hands on deck, Boris Tabiyev gestures wildly with a raise of 132,000 chips. And here we have Tschernigg in the tank, pondering like he’s considering the secrets of the universe.

And just to add a sprinkle of drama, he leans over and asks Tabiyev: “Do you have aces? I have a pair of Kappas.” Ladies and gentlemen, this is poker diplomacy at its finest! The kind of exchange that makes you wonder if you should start taking notes for your next sitcom.

Tschernigg in the tank

After a long internal debate — perhaps he was weighing whether to fold or go home and binge-watch Netflix — Tschernigg ultimately shows his cards and confidently announces, “Here are my Kappas!” Talk about a mic-drop moment! Can you imagine the audacity? It’s as if he waltzed into a high-end restaurant, ordered caviar, and then handed back the menu saying, “I’ll take the Grilled Cheese, thanks!”

Just when you think the drama couldn’t elevate any higher, Tabiyev, who has been quietly plotting his triumph, reveals his aces with a flourish that would make even a magician jealous. And the reaction? Priceless. Absolute shock echoed around the table as one of the fellow players, Casimir Seire, mutters, “I don’t know if we’re playing the same game.” It’s a valid question, and one I would love to answer with a resounding, “Exactly!”

So let’s pose a question for everyone in the audience: what would you have done in Tschernigg’s shoes? Holler a triumphant “All In” or meticulously fold away what could’ve been a stellar hand? Because in poker, just like in life, it’s about making the right choices… or at least the most entertaining ones!

In conclusion, poker is an insatiable beast that thrives on unpredictability. Tschernigg’s audacious fold is a reminder that even in the heat of battle, the right play is often the one that no one expects — including the players themselves! So, my friends, keep your wits about you, and maybe… just maybe, consider a little play-acting as you navigate the world of poker.

Until next time, keep your chips close and your strategies closer!

When we talk about a European Poker Tour or an equivalent tournament in which players take part who, at least on paper, should be the most capable in the world, something special always happens that amazes the poker community in every corner of the world.

This time it happened on Day 2, when, near the bubblesomething happened that can be explained in absolute terms, but that not everyone would have had the clarity to implement in game.

Where clarity rhymes with quality of play, which, depending on the past and knowledge of each player, changes radically.

But let’s go in order and list the facts.

Fold to remember on the bubble

The EPT of Cyprus is now in its Day 4 and, even as we come out with this article, the live streaming commented in Italian by Giada Fang, Alberto Russo and Pier Fabretti, but some news comes to light in the following days, exactly like the one he saw as the protagonist Peter Tscherniggpictured on the homepage, towards the end of Day 2.

This all happened a few dozen eliminations after the bubble burst, basically when most of the players start to tighten the ranges because they see the finishing line of the prizes approaching.

Among the players still in the game is the Austrian, who found himself in a difficult situation when he received a pair of Kappa, kk as a dowry.

Level number 13, Tschernigg with Kappa

Level number 12 is being played, Small Blind 1.000, Big Blind 2.500, Big Blind Ante 2.500.

Mihai Niste decided to open to 5,000 from Middle Position, resulting in a raise by Boris Tabiyev da HiJackbefore the Austrian Peter Tschernigg decided to get in from the Big Blind 4Bet a 31.500.

Niste thought it best to get out of the way, but Tabiyev decided to raise to 132,000 chips once again.

At this point the Austrian entered the tank, allowing a rather high number of minutes to pass, before asking an important question to his opponent: “Do you have aces? I have a pair of Kappas.”

Tschernigg in the tank

Without receiving a response, Tschernigg then began to mull over in his head the thoughts that, in his opinion, could have helped him make this decision.

Evidently tired of his own reasoning, Tschernigg decided to take one last look at his cards and then decided to fold while whispering at the table “here are my kappas”showing them to everyone.

Casimir Seire courtesy Pokernews & Danny Maxwell

At this point Tabiyev, silent up to that point, exclaimed: “do you really want to see the cards I had in my hand?“.

Obviously both Tschernigg and the rest of the table gave a rather convinced “Yes” and he didn’t take any time, revealing aa.

I don’t know if we’re playing the same game“, exclaimed Casimir Seire who was playing at the same table while complimenting Tschernigg, supported with a “Me too” from someone who has seen all sorts of things during his career, Nicolas Chouity.

And what would you have done?



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