Epigenetic Changes in Cannabis Users: Exploring Infections and Mental Disorders

2023-07-24 12:20:47

Researchers have visualized many epigenetic changes in the blood of cannabis users. These results might explain the infections and certain mental disorders, although further studies will have to prove a causal link.

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A new study study on more than 1,000 adults suggests that cannabis use can lead to epigenetic changes in the genomegenome. Epigenetics does not alter the sequence of DNADNA, but regulates the activity of genes by activation or deactivation, which can modify the functioning of the body. The addition or removal of methyl groups from DNA is one of the most studied epigenetic modifications.

« We had previously identified associations between marijuana use [composée de feuilles de cannabis] and the aging process as apprehended by DNA methylationmethylation », has explained Lifang Hou, an epidemiologist at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. ” Next, we wanted to examine whether specific epigenetic factors were associated with marijuana use, and whether these factors were related to health outcomes. »

Up to 132 cannabis-related genetic markers

The researchers analyzed blood samples containing biomarkers which notably make it possible to visualize DNA methylation. A thousand participants aged 18 to 30 at the start of the study provided these samples twice, over a period of 20 years. In blood samples taken following 15 years, no less than 22 DNA methylation markers were associated with recent cannabis use and 31 with cumulative cannabis use. In those taken following 20 years, the researchers found 132 markers linked to recent consumption and 16 to cumulative consumption.

« Most epigenetic changes were found in pathways previously linked to cell proliferation, hormone signaling, infections, and mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and substance use disorders “, specified the epidemiologist. This suggests that cannabis use may eventually cause these health problems, although research does not yet prove this.

#Cannabis #alters #gene #expression



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