Epidemics: The Infected Planet – Where to Watch and Stream the Documentary

2023-11-17 03:31:01

When and where you can see the repeat of the documentary “Epidemics: The Infected Planet” from Friday (November 17th, 2023), whether only on TV or digitally in the media library, you can read here at news.de.

On Friday (November 17th, 2023) “Epidemics: The Infected Planet” was shown on TV at 2:20 a.m. You weren’t able to watch “Epidemics: The Infected Planet” but definitely still want to see the issue? Take a look in the until-Media library over. There you will find numerous TV reports available to stream online as video on demand following they have been broadcast. As a rule, you can find the program online following it has been broadcast on TV. Unfortunately, this does not apply to all shipments. There will be no repeats on Arte on classic television for the time being.

“Epidemics: The Infected Planet” on TV: That’s what the documentary is regarding

Ebola, Zika, swine flu, Lyme disease, monkeypox – top scientists in all countries face the great challenge of identifying the next pandemic and containing it in a timely manner. People today live in a networked world: diseases that actually only occur in remote areas are spread everywhere. There is only one way to prevent future epidemics: saving biodiversity and nature. (Source: Arte, transmitted by FUNKE program magazines)

“Epidemics: The Infected Planet” on TV: All the information at a glance

At: Art

Year of production: 2022

Long: 95 minutes

In HD: Yes

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This text was created using data from the Funke Group. If you have any comments or feedback, you can send them to us at notice@news.de.


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