EPEC is committed to renewable energy: they present 11 projects for bidding

2023-06-16 23:33:32

The Provincial Energy Company of Córdoba (EPEC) has presented 11 projects focused on different clean technologies expressing its commitment to the sustainability and diversification of Argentina’s energy matrix. It did so within the framework of the “RenMDI” Renewable Energy Generation Tender, launched in January 2023 by the National Government.

The RenMDI initiative has aroused considerable interest, gathering more than 200 proposals with a total capacity of more than 2,000 MW. With the aim of replacing forced generation and diversifying the energy matrix.

The tender is divided into two lines: the first, with a maximum required power of 500 MW, is assigned to photovoltaic solar energy, biomass and wind energy projects. The second is intended for small-scale renewable projects, with a maximum required power of 120 MW.

EPEC has proposed a series of projects that seek to generate energy from biogas, solar energy and hydroelectric exploitation in different regions of the province of Córdoba. Pending the award decision by the National Government, these proposals intend to start their execution as soon as possible.

Notable projects include the construction of plants to capture and treat biogas, generating renewable energy from solid urban waste. In this line are “Biogás de Relleno Sanitario Piedras Blancas” and “Biogás Bajo Grande”, which together will generate almost 4 MW of power and will benefit more than 2.4 million inhabitants of the Córdoba region.

In the solar field, EPEC has proposed the creation of photovoltaic solar parks in various locations in Córdoba such as Cruz del Eje, San Francisco, Villa María and San Francisco del Chañar. These projects will generate more than 15 MW of power and will benefit more than 230,000 inhabitants of the province.

Last but not least, EPEC seeks to promote the use of hydroelectric energy with the modernization of existing power plants and the construction of new ones. In this section, the “Small Exploitation La Viña” project stands out, which plans to strengthen the La Viña hydroelectric plant, and “Pequeño Aprovechamiento Hidroeléctrico Cruz del Eje”, which seeks to modernize the hydroelectric plant of the same name. As well as new uses in Dique Pichanas, Villa María and San Marcos Sud. These projects will contribute more than 9 MW of power and will benefit more than 220,000 inhabitants of the region.

The estimated total investment of the 11 projects is around 39 million dollars. Undoubtedly, it is an important step for EPEC to contribute to the national effort to diversify the energy matrix, and shows the company’s strong commitment to sustainability and clean energy generation in the province of Córdoba and, by extension, in the whole country.

The proposals presented by Epec

Piedras Blancas Landfill Biogas: contemplates the construction of a biogas collection and treatment plant to generate renewable energy in Córdoba, using solid urban waste produced by the city of Córdoba and 27 nearby municipalities. The project will add 3.2 MW of power to the grid and will benefit the more than 2.4 million inhabitants of the city. Investment cost estimated at USD 4.5 million.

Biogas Low Large (BG Bajo Grande): This project will install a thermoelectric plant at the “Bajo Grande” sewage treatment plant in Córdoba, generating renewable energy from biogas produced in biodigesters. The project will provide 660 kW of power and will benefit 2.4 million inhabitants of the area. Investment cost estimated at USD 1 million. (It would be missing to mention something regarding the 350 kW motor that was left for TAMSE)

Cruz del Axis Photovoltaic Solar Park (PSFV Cruz del Eje): This project will build a solar renewable energy generation plant in Cruz del Eje, Córdoba, contributing 3.5 MW of power to the grid and benefiting 30,680 inhabitants of the region. Estimated investment cost is USD 3.5 million.

San Francisco Photovoltaic Solar Park Project (PSFV San Francisco): In San Francisco, Córdoba, this project contemplates the creation of a new solar energy plant that will add 3 MW of power to the grid, benefiting 74,000 inhabitants of the area. Estimated investment cost is USD 3 million.

Villa María Photovoltaic Solar Park Project (PSFV Villa María): In Villa María, Córdoba, it is planned to build a new solar energy plant that will generate 3 MW of power, benefiting 119,500 inhabitants of the town. Estimated investment cost is USD 3 million.

San Francisco del Chañar Photovoltaic Solar Park Project (PSFV San Francisco del Chañar): In San Francisco del Chañar, Córdoba, it is planned to build a new solar energy plant that will generate 6 MW of power, benefiting 7,000 inhabitants of the area. Estimated investment cost is USD 6 million.

La Viña Small Exploitation Project (PAH La Viña): This project plans to modernize and strengthen the La Viña Hydroelectric Power Plant, inaugurated in 1959 in Quebrada de Los Pozos, Córdoba, increasing power to 6 MW and benefiting 75,000 inhabitants of the area. Estimated investment cost of USD 10 million.

Cruz del Eje Small Hydroelectric Exploitation Project (PAH Cruz del Eje): This project to repower and modernize the Cruz del Eje Hydroelectric Power Plant in 1958, increasing the existing capacity to 1 MW, benefiting 30,680 inhabitants of the region. Estimated investment cost of USD 2 million.

Pichanas Small Hydroelectric Exploitation Project (PAH Pichanas): This project in Villa de Soto, Córdoba, will build a hydroelectric plant in the Pichanas Dam, providing 780 kW of power and benefiting more than 10,000 inhabitants of the area. Estimated investment cost of USD 2 million.

Villa María Small Exploitation Project (PAH Villa María): This project in Villa María, Córdoba, will build a hydroelectric plant that will generate 670 kW of power, benefiting 119,500 inhabitants of the city and its area of ​​influence. Estimated investment cost of USD 2 million.

Small Exploitation Project San Marcos Sud (PAH San Marcos Sud): This project in San Marcos Sud, Córdoba, will build a hydroelectric plant that will generate 600 kW of power, benefiting 5,500 inhabitants of the city and its area of ​​influence. Estimated investment cost of USD 2 million.

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