Epec: How to reclassify before September 4 to avoid losing subsidies

2024-08-27 10:42:15

Córdoba Provincial Energy Company (Epec) reports that some 51,000 users still have never completed the reclassification process on the page www.argentina.gob.ar/subsidios And they must do so in order not to lose subsidies.

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“About 131,000 users in the province enjoy this benefit, among which 80,000 people completed the procedure at some point and were protected. These users will not have any problems because they have already completed the procedure and they have been classified accordingly,” spokesman Alfredo Camponovo explained.

The problem is that the other 51,000 people have never done it Because in the previous rules, the state stipulated that Epec could send a register of these users, and the Department of Energy directly classified them as N2, so they belong to the lowest income group. Cordoba Telecom.

“The rule changed two months ago and the state said ‘no, those who did not complete the procedure, it does not matter whether they are beneficiaries of the social rate or not, they have to do it anyway.'” This That’s our main concern,” the provincial official said.

In addition, he also stated Some users have come forward and have completed the process for these 51,000 users who have never done so, but there are many users who have not yet done so..

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“That’s our concern and that’s why we’re continuing with the plan until September 4 so that everyone can do it. Because the fees paid by users (beneficiaries of social rate N2) compared with users in group N1 are actually five times different. The person who paid 10,000 will pay 50,000. We know what this means,” Camponovo concluded.

how to do

Epec has service stations in the city of Córdoba, in community centers and in the interior of the province. Or just enter it directly www.argentina.gob.ar/subsidios.

To complete the form, you must have the energy bill, DNI and CUIL of the person over 18 years old ready and their respective income must be registered.


N1: The highest paid. It is not subsidized. This includes people whose total household income is equal to or greater than 3.5 basic baskets ($3,056,091.05), who own three or more vehicles that are five years old or younger, or who own three or more properties.

N3: Belongs to middle income. The subsidy can reach up to 250 degrees. This includes people with a gross household income equivalent to 1 to 3.5 basic baskets (between $873,169 and $3,056,091.05), own a vehicle that is 3 years old or less, or own up to 2 properties.

Nitrogen: lowest income. The total subsidy is as high as 350 degrees. This includes households with a total household income of less than 1 basic basket (less than $873,169), no vehicle less than 3 years old, or households with up to 1 property.

#Epec #reclassify #September #avoid #losing #subsidies



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