At present, EPE has a total of 4,037 employees spread throughout the country.
Although this measure has not been made public at the moment, various sources consulted by AIRE They agreed on the information, which is given in the context of the various announcements made by government officials regarding the need to make the EPE and also the company more efficient. Santa Fe waters SA.
The issue of hiring staff will surely be a sensitive point, since there are clauses in force at the EPE according to which the relatives of current employees have priority when hiring staff.
EPE irregular connections energy light port santa fe
Since the beginning of this administration, various measures have been taken to balance the accounts of the Provincial Energy Company.
It is a kind of “prerogative of blood” that operates in this company. However, the Government intends that the new Comprehensive Human Resources Plan impose conditions related to technical and professional suitability for hiring new employees.
The sources consulted by AIRE They stressed that an open competition scheme will be proposed, which will allow for an objective evaluation of the candidates, without the fact that they are relatives of current company workers implying any kind of advantage over the rest of the interested parties.
In addition, the aim will be to reduce the incidence of Union of Light and Power in the selection of new staff, since at this time the union plays an essential role when hiring new employees.
As for workers who already provide services at the EPE, the government is asking for assessments of their existing capacities and skills, in order to then begin a training process.
Everything indicates that the changes will take place in the short term, since the EPE Board of Directors is suggested to submit the proposal for this plan in just 15 days.
Measures that have already been taken in Aguas Santafesinas
Since the beginning of this provincial administration, the decision to generate changes in the management of EPE and Assa was made clear.
The Provincial Energy Company’s numbers are balanced. However, the situation of Aguas Santafesinas is different.
As reported AIRE This week, in 2023, Assa’s fee collection revenue barely covered 10% of the company’s operating expenses.
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The Government’s goal is for Aguas Santafesina to achieve a balanced budget by the end of 2025.
Since January of this year, various strategies have been implemented to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. These measures were joined by provisions that the company began to apply after the Legislature approved an Emergency Law last June:
Currently, it is estimated that Assa’s revenue is enough to cover 50% of the company’s operating costs.
Over the past nine months, various measures have been taken to reduce expenses. According to the company’s calculations, by the end of 2024, savings will have amounted to approximately 20 billion pesos, a figure similar to the increase in income achieved from the 450% increase in rates this year.
According to the company’s estimates, Assa’s revenue is expected to cover 60% of expenses by the end of 2024, and a balance will be achieved during the last quarter of 2025 to avoid extraordinary contributions from the Government.