EP.175 | The value of the tax reduction measure “e-Receipt” | The Active

2024-01-28 05:30:00

Last year, “shoppers” probably liked the Shop Dee Mee Khuen measures. That brings receipts to reduce personal income tax, while in 2024 the government has a new type of reduction measure, namely “Easy e-reciept” similar to Shop Dee Mee Khun. But this time, you must use an electronic receipt only.


The reason is to incentivize large businesses and stores to transition to a more electronic tax system. In order to make tax collection more efficient as well. But many tax deductions There are more and more of them, which is another reason why the state Collect less taxes Meanwhile, the government also plans to spend money on various welfare matters.


Invite you to talk with Assoc. Prof. Athipat Muthitacharoen, lecturer in the Faculty of Economics. Chulalongkorn University Author of academic work on “Strengthening the Thai tax system” in The Active Podcast EP.175 | The value of the tax reduction measure “e-Receipt”

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