Envisioning 2030: CPK’s Bold Path Ahead

German airline Lufthansa Cargo has announced that it will invest almost 600 million euros (over 2.5 billion złoty) in a thorough modernization and expansion of the Frankfurt airport. It is to be the largest and most modern cargo hub in Europe. Experts compare it to the Polish Central Communication Port (CPK), which has been planned for many years but is not yet at the implementation stage. The large cargo terminal is to occupy an area of ​​330,000 m2, which is equivalent to 46 football pitches.

Lufthansa Cargo to build German CPK

.On September 5, Lufthansa Cargo celebrated the next stage of the construction of the Frankfurt mega airport. The €600 million investment is to make Frankfurt’s Lufthansa Cargo Center the largest and most modern cargo airport in Europe. The project, known as “LCCevo”, is to be completed by 2030.

The ceremony marking the start of construction of the transport hub was attended by a large group of German politicians, businessmen, as well as employees, clients and project partners. In order to emphasize the historical significance of the start of construction work on this spectacular facility, the participants of the ceremony filled and sealed a time capsule, reports in press statement Lufthansa Cargo.

“Lufthansa Cargo enables global business and connects the world’s markets more sustainably. The “LCCevo” project is an expression of our commitment to growth and excellence. In times of global tensions and changing customer expectations, we need innovative solutions that meet the needs of ourselves, our customers and society. This is only possible with a modern infrastructure. For our customers, we want to optimise the efficiency and quality of our services, and make them faster and more seamless. For our employees, we want to create attractive and future-oriented jobs in the newly designed “Home of Cargo”. At the same time, “LCCevo” underlines our strong ties to our home base and strengthens Frankfurt Airport‘s role as the central cargo hub in Europe,” said Lufthansa Cargo CEO Ashwin Bhat.

“This investment by the Lufthansa Group is a clear commitment to the Frankfurt location and symbolizes our confidence in the long-term future of the air freight industry. This flagship project prepares our cargo business for the future at the Frankfurt hub. It increases quality and efficiency for our customers, creates sustainable jobs for our employees and enables more environmentally friendly processes on the ground. At the same time, we are making a significant contribution to increasing the efficiency of air transport in the heart of Europe, enabling the global traffic that is essential for our economy,” said Michael Niggemann, Member of the Board of Management of Deutsche Lufthansa AG.

Photo Lufthansa Cargo.

“Frankfurt Airport is often referred to as the ‘heart of the region’. Recent years have shown how important freight transport is in addition to passenger traffic. The key to remaining competitive in this dynamic environment is a modern and efficient infrastructure. By modernising its cargo centre at Frankfurt Airport, Lufthansa Cargo is contributing to the further strengthening of air transport at this location. We will meet the challenges of the future with the latest technologies and intelligent solutions. At the same time, this project is a clear signal confirming the economic strength and sustainable development of our region – it strengthens Frankfurt Airport’s position as a key transport hub,” said Kaweh Mansoori, Minister of Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport, Housing and Rural Affairs of Hesse.

Since its opening in 1982, the LCC (Lufthansa Cargo Center) has been operating continuously 24/7, playing a key role in global air cargo traffic. The latest modernization program includes the gradual renovation of all central functions of the facility by 2030. Construction work is being carried out in stages so that daily operations can continue without disruption. In the current construction phase, Lufthansa Cargo is renovating or building new facilities on an area of ​​around 55,000 m². An important milestone is the construction of a 42-meter high-bay warehouse, which will be the second tallest building at Frankfurt Airport.

Photo Lufthansa Cargo.

CPK is a strong Poland in a safe Europe

.On the pages of “Everything that matters” a text by MP Paulina MATYSIAK entitled “Strong Poland in a Safe Europe” was published. As the author argues: “Poland knows how to invent BLIK, win Roland Garros and play in FC Barcelona. It will also know how to build CPK, safe nuclear power plants and super-fast railways.”

“Strong Poland in a safe Europe is one that develops and one that invests. Strong Poland is a country that does things. It invests in infrastructure, in science and technology, but above all, it invests in people. It invests in decent wages, in housing, in reliable public transport. And it cares about the climate. This is a chance for a good life and a chance for the future we dream of. These are not empty words, but a plan for the future. A plan that can and must be implemented” – writes Paulina MATYSIAK.

As he emphasizes, “we are no longer a poor country on the rise – we have become one of the largest economies in the world. We are the 21st or 22nd economy in the world. We cannot miss this change and think paralyzed by complexes. Our position has changed, and our thinking must change as well. Rich societies – that is us! – are rich because they are constantly developing. And because they believe in themselves. They invest and develop projects that will provide them with a better future. And open up new opportunities.”

EverythingWhat’s Most Important/Marcin Jarzębski

Copyrighted material. Further distribution only with the publisher’s consent. September 7, 2024
Photo Lufthansa Cargo.

What are the key features and expected benefits of Lufthansa Cargo’s LCCevo project at ⁢Frankfurt⁤ Airport? ‌

Lufthansa Cargo to Build German CPK: A €600 ⁣Million⁤ Investment in Europe’s Largest and‍ Most Modern Cargo Hub

Lufthansa ‌Cargo, a German cargo airline and a wholly owned ⁤subsidiary of‌ Lufthansa [[2]], has⁣ announced a ⁣massive‌ investment of ⁤almost €600‍ million (over​ 2.5 billion złoty)‍ in a thorough modernization and expansion of the Frankfurt airport. The project,⁣ known as “LCCevo”, aims to create the largest and ‍most modern cargo hub in Europe, with a large cargo terminal occupying an area of ​​330,000‌ m2, equivalent‌ to 46 football pitches.

This ambitious project is comparable to the ‌Polish Central Communication Port (CPK), ​which has been⁢ planned for many years but is not yet at the implementation stage [[3]]. The CPK is a symbol of⁢ a strong Poland in a safe Europe, as emphasized by MP Paulina Matysiak, ⁢who believes‌ that Poland has the capacity to invest in infrastructure, science, and technology,⁢ as well as in‌ people, to ensure a good ‌life‌ and a sustainable ⁤future.

The LCCevo project, which is expected to be completed by 2030, will transform Frankfurt’s Lufthansa ‍Cargo Center into a state-of-the-art facility, enabling the company to optimize the efficiency and quality of its ‌services, making them⁢ faster and more seamless for‌ customers. The project will also create attractive and future-oriented jobs for employees, as well as enable more environmentally friendly processes on the ground.

The construction of ⁤the transport hub is a significant investment in the Frankfurt location, symbolizing Lufthansa Cargo’s confidence in the⁣ long-term ‌future of the air‌ freight‌ industry. The project will increase quality and ​efficiency for customers, create sustainable jobs for employees, and ​enable more⁤ environmentally friendly ⁣processes on‍ the ground. At the same time, it will strengthen⁢ Frankfurt Airport’s⁤ role as the‍ central‍ cargo hub in Europe, enabling global traffic that is essential ‍for the economy.

The ceremony marking the start of⁣ construction of the transport hub⁤ was attended⁢ by a large group ⁤of German politicians, businessmen, as well as employees, clients, and project partners.⁣ To emphasize the historical significance⁤ of the start ⁤of construction work on this spectacular facility, the participants of the​ ceremony filled and sealed a time capsule ⁢ [[1]].

Lufthansa Cargo has been operating continuously 24/7 since the opening of ​the LCC ⁤(Lufthansa Cargo Center) in 1982, playing a key role in global air cargo traffic. The latest modernization program includes the gradual renovation of all central functions of the facility by⁤ 2030. Construction work is being carried out in stages to ensure⁢ that daily⁢ operations can continue without disruption.

In the current construction‌ phase, Lufthansa Cargo is renovating or building new facilities on an area of ⁣​​around 55,000 m². An‍ important milestone‌ is⁤ the construction of a 42-meter high-bay warehouse, which will be the second‍ tallest building⁣ at Frankfurt Airport.

The LCCevo⁤ project is ‍a testament to Lufthansa Cargo’s⁢ commitment to growth ⁢and excellence, ⁤as well⁢ as its strong ties to its home base and Frankfurt Airport’s role as the central cargo ⁤hub in Europe. With this investment, Lufthansa ⁣Cargo is poised to ⁣become a leader ‍in the air ‍freight ⁢industry, enabling global⁢ business ‌and connecting the world’s markets more sustainably.


[1] ⁤ Lufthansa Cargo: Your expert for air freight



Lufthansa Cargo to Build German CPK: A €600 Million Investment in Frankfurt Airport

Lufthansa Cargo, a leading German airline, has announced a massive investment of €600 million in the modernization and expansion of Frankfurt Airport’s cargo hub. This ambitious project, known as LCCevo, aims to transform the airport into the largest and most modern cargo hub in Europe, rivaling the Polish Central Communication Port (CPK) project.

A Vision for the Future of Air Cargo

The LCCevo project is a testament to Lufthansa Cargo’s commitment to growth, excellence, and sustainability. The airline’s CEO, Ashwin Bhat, emphasized the need for innovative solutions to meet the changing customer expectations and global tensions. The modern infrastructure will enable Lufthansa Cargo to optimize efficiency and quality of services, making them faster and more seamless for customers.

Key Features and Benefits of LCCevo

The LCCevo project will involve the gradual renovation of all central functions of the facility by 2030. The current construction phase includes the renovation or building of new facilities on an area of approximately 55,000 m². One of the significant milestones is the construction of a 42-meter high-bay warehouse, which will be the second-largest of its kind in the world.

The project is expected to bring numerous benefits, including:

Increased quality and efficiency for customers

Creation of sustainable jobs for employees

More environmentally friendly processes on the ground

Contribution to increasing the efficiency of air transport in the heart of Europe

A Boost to Frankfurt Airport’s Economy

Frankfurt Airport, often referred to as the “heart of the region,” has been operating continuously since 1982. The LCCevo project will further strengthen air transport at this location, making Frankfurt Airport an even more critical transport hub in Europe.

Lufthansa Cargo’s Commitment to Frankfurt

Lufthansa Cargo’s investment in Frankfurt Airport demonstrates its commitment to the location and its confidence in the long-term future of the air freight industry. The project will create attractive and future-oriented jobs for employees, while also strengthening Frankfurt Airport’s position as a key transport hub.

Frankfurt Airport: A Central Cargo Hub in Europe

Frankfurt Airport, with its strategic location, is already an important cargo hub in Europe. The LCCevo project will cement its position as a central cargo hub, enabling the global traffic that is essential for the economy.


Lufthansa Cargo’s €600 million investment in Frankfurt Airport’s cargo hub is a significant step towards creating a modern and efficient infrastructure. The LCCevo project will not only benefit Lufthansa Cargo but also contribute to the economic strength and sustainable development of the region. As a result, Frankfurt Airport is poised to become an even more critical transport hub in Europe.



<a href="https://www.trasportoeuropa.it/english/lufthansa-cargo-invests-e600-million-in



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