Environment-Health-Work National Research Programme: Call for Results 2021 Research Program | Handlebar

2021-12-03 17:22:48

At the beginning of 2021, 298 projects were submitted in response to two project calls, the first of which was general, and the second on the theme “Radio Frequencies and Health”. After a rigorous selection process based on scientific committee evaluation, A total of 33 projects were selected.

The projects were selected within the framework of the National Research Program for Environmental Health Work (PNR EST), headed by Anses, funded by the budget authorized by the Ministry responsible for the Environment, Labor and Agriculture, and exclusively by partner institutions. For the fourth consecutive year, the project budget of the Ministry of Ecology and Inclusive Transformation supports the thematic program on endocrine disruptors. Finally, additional funding supports air quality projects related to air pollution.

Provide knowledge in Anses’ professional areas

These projects will provide knowledge in different areas ANSES Areas of Expertise In particular, with contributions from the humanities and social sciences, health risks for the general population and professional settings, as well as risks for ecosystem or environmental quality, are addressed. different human pathologies Under investigation, for example, cancer, respiratory and intestinal diseases, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders or Parkinson’s disease.

More precisely, the selected projects for 2021 focus on one or more types of environmental and occupational exposure :

Thirteen projects dealt with chemical agents, nine of which dealt with endocrine disruptors; seven projects dealt with emerging, unexplored or new contamination issues, five of which looked at micro and nanoplastics; six projects dealt with radio frequencies related to health topics; five were interested in occupational exposure and occupational health; five dealt with exposures and risks associated with the presence of particles or fibers in the air; and finally, five projects dealt with biological agents, three of which dealt with vector control ( vector-borne pathogens, particularly mosquitoes and ticks), one project on antibiotic resistance, and another on residential mold.

Furthermore, of these projects, nine are of interest Multiple exhibitions chemical and/or physical reagents, even Effect “cocktail” thus helping to provide knowledge about the exposome.

28 projects will be funded by ANSES (€5.1 million), 3 of which will be supported by the Alliance Avissan (National Union of Life and Health Sciences) multi-organization cancer thematic institute within the framework of the Cancer Program (€). ), and two projects of ADEME (Agency for Ecological Transition) (€260,000).

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