Entrepreneur Highlights Government Support for Launching a Business in Paraguay

Asuncion, IP Agency.- As part of Industry Week, the head of the MIC, Javier Giménez, and the Vice Minister of Industry, Lorena Méndez, participated in the inauguration of the “Autotécnia” company in the Algeza industrial park, Alto Paraná.

On the occasion, the director, Marcos Lee, thanked the government for its support in achieving the establishment of capital in the country and Minister Giménez, highlighted the transformation and evolutionary development of Minga Guazú, due to the industrialization process of the country.

Authorities from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce participated in this event, as part of the tour of industries located in the east of the country.

With the inauguration of this new maquiladora company, there are now 309 companies operating under this special regime, which in total employ 28,000 people directly and represent 20% of all industrial exports, making it a consolidated sector that is constantly growing.

The director of Autotécnia, Marcos Lee, thanked the support and guidance of government institutions in achieving the establishment of capital in our country.

He stressed that from the beginning, they always demonstrated an attitude of promoting development, acting with professionalism and above all, with a genuine desire to make this association grow, added Lee, who also described the Paraguayan people as extremely welcoming, professional and always willing to contribute.

He also stressed that his company sees Paraguay not only as a strategic country to meet the demand for products in Brazil, but also as a solid platform to expand its operations globally.

MIC’s commitment to competitiveness

The head of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Javier Giménez, highlighted the transformation and evolutionary development of Minga Guazú, through the country’s industrialization process.

He also referred to the importance of improving logistics and administrative processes to increase competitiveness.

At this point he said that Alto Paraná, Ciudad del Este, represents practically a little more than 50% of the investments that come to settle in this Maquila sector and that the policy of efficiency in the management of procedures must continue to be maintained, so that our industry increasingly attracts investments, permits are granted and that the businessman can finally generate value and work in a calm manner, generating employment in Paraguay.

He also highlighted the importance of the maquila regime, noting that it already exports around USD 1.1 billion worth of products that are manufactured in Paraguay.

The event for Industry Day was also attended by the head of the Vice Ministry of Commerce and Services, Luis Elías Bellasai, the executive secretary of CNIME, Natalia Cáceres, the president of the Paraguayan Industrial Union (UIP), Enrique Duarte, the president of the Chamber of Maquila Companies of Paraguay (Cemap), Carina Daher and representatives of industrial associations, among other guests.

#Industry #Week #Businessman #highlights #government #support #set #company #Paraguay
2024-09-12 03:45:42

How is Autotécnia contributing to Paraguay’s industrialization and economic growth?⁤ ​

Autotécnia: A Leader in Paraguay’s Industrialization Process

As part⁤ of Industry Week, the head of the MIC‌ (Ministry of Industry and Commerce), Javier ‌Giménez, and the Vice Minister of Industry, Lorena Méndez, participated in the inauguration of the‍ “Autotécnia” company in the Algeza industrial park, Alto Paraná. This significant event marked a major milestone in Paraguay’s industrialization process, with Autotécnia being a key player in the country’s⁢ economic growth.

About Autotécnia

Autotécnia is a maquiladora⁤ company that has‍ established itself in Paraguay, taking advantage of the country’s strategic location and business-friendly⁣ environment. The company’s director, Marcos Lee, expressed his gratitude to the government for its support ​in achieving the establishment of capital in the country. ‍He highlighted the government’s⁢ professionalism and ⁤genuine desire ​to promote development, which has been ‌instrumental in Autotécnia’s success.

Autotécnia’s Commitment to Paraguay

Marcos Lee emphasized​ that Autotécnia sees Paraguay not only as a strategic country to meet‍ the demand​ for products‍ in Brazil but also as a solid platform to expand its operations globally. He praised ‌the Paraguayan people, describing them ⁤as extremely welcoming, professional, and always willing to contribute. This ‌positive sentiment is reflected in Autotécnia’s commitment to investing in ⁤the country⁣ and generating employment opportunities for the local population.

MIC’s Commitment to Competitiveness

The head of the MIC, Javier Giménez, highlighted the⁢ importance of improving‌ logistics⁣ and administrative⁤ processes to increase ‌competitiveness. He emphasized that Alto Paraná, Ciudad del Este, represents a significant portion of the investments that​ come⁢ to settle in the Maquila sector and that the policy of efficiency in the management of ⁣procedures must continue to be maintained. This will enable the industry to⁤ attract more investments, grant permits, and allow businesses to generate ⁤value and work in a calm manner,⁣ ultimately creating employment opportunities in Paraguay.

The Maquila Regime: A Key Driver⁣ of Growth

Giménez also stressed the importance of the maquila‌ regime,⁢ noting that it ⁤already exports ⁣around 20% of all industrial‍ exports, making it a consolidated sector that is constantly growing. The maquila regime has‍ been instrumental ⁣in ‍attracting foreign investment and promoting economic growth in Paraguay.

Autotécnia in the News

Autotécnia has been making headlines⁢ in Paraguay, with its recent updates on social media platforms such​ as⁣ Facebook [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2].‌ The company has also been featured in videos showcasing its operations and achievements [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3].

Contact ⁢Autotécnia

If you’re interested in learning more about Autotécnia or would like to get in touch with them, ‌you can visit their website⁣ [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1]or contact⁤ them ​directly at ​Av. Fernando de la ‌Mora 920, Entre Av. Bruno ⁣Guggiari y Amancio Gonzalez, Asunción, Paraguay. You ⁢can also reach out⁤ to​ them by phone at 0985 204760 / 021 203753 or by sending an⁣ email.

Autotécnia ‌is a shining example of Paraguay’s industrialization process, demonstrating the country’s⁣ potential for growth and development.‌ With the government’s‌ support and commitment to competitiveness, companies like Autotécnia are set to ⁣thrive, creating jobs and driving economic growth in the region.

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title “**The Maquila Regime in Paraguay: A Key to Industrial Development and Competitiveness**”:

The Maquila Regime in Paraguay: A Key to Industrial Development and Competitiveness

Paraguay, a country located in the heart of South America, has been actively promoting its industrial sector through the Maquila regime, a special system that allows foreign companies to establish themselves in the country and produce goods for export with numerous benefits. In this article, we will delve into the Maquila regime in Paraguay, its objectives, benefits, and its significance in the country’s industrial development and competitiveness.

What is the Maquila Regime?

The Maquila regime, also known as the Maquila Law, is a regime that allows a foreign company to establish itself in Paraguay, or subcontract to existing Paraguayan companies, to produce goods and services for export [[3]]. The main objectives of the Maquila regime are to develop the industrial sector, promote foreign investment, and increase exports [[1]].

Benefits of the Maquila Regime

The Maquila regime offers numerous benefits to foreign investors, including:

Tax exemptions on imported raw materials and machinery

Exemption from customs duties on exports

Simplified customs procedures

Access to a skilled and cost-effective workforce

* A strategic location for exporting to Brazil and other Mercosur countries [[2]]

Importance of the Maquila Regime in Paraguay’s Industrial Development

The Maquila regime has been instrumental in promoting industrial development in Paraguay. With 309 companies operating under this regime, it employs around 28,000 people directly and represents 20% of all industrial exports [[Query]]. The regime has also led to significant investments in the country, with Alto Paraná, Ciudad del Este, representing over 50% of the investments in the Maquila sector [[Query]].

MIC’s Commitment to Competitiveness

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) is committed to improving logistics and administrative processes to increase competitiveness in the country. The MIC’s efforts aim to attract more investments, grant permits, and enable businesses to generate value and employment in Paraguay [[Query]].


The Maquila regime in Paraguay is a key driver of industrial development and competitiveness. With its numerous benefits and strategic location, it has attracted significant investments and created employment opportunities in the country. The MIC’s commitment to improving logistics and administrative processes will further enhance the competitiveness of the Maquila sector, positioning Paraguay as a prime destination for foreign investment.







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