Entrance exams for multi-year high schools are starting, there are more applicants than last year

Uniform entrance exams for six- and eight-year high schools begin today, the second term is scheduled for Wednesday. From the point of view of capacity, about half of the applicants can get into the eight-year-old gymnasium, while for six-year-olds it is about a third. Interest is higher year-on-year, about 500 more children apply for the eight-year high school than last year, and about 400 more for the six-year high school year-on-year. The unified entrance exam, which consists of a test in mathematics and Czech, is organized by the state organization Cermat. On Friday and Monday, pupils of the ninth grade of primary schools, who are applying for four-year matriculation courses, took the exam.

Out of the two test attempts, children are always credited with a better test result in mathematics and Czech. According to the latest reports, he is about to study at a six-year grammar school that, which was published by the Ministry of Education, the interest of 7777 applicants, the offered capacity in the Czech Republic is 2442 places. 19,467 pupils apply for the eight-year grammar school, the capacity is 9,217 places.

According to experts, the factor that influences the interest in multi-year gymnasiums is parents’ lack of confidence in education at the second level of elementary schools. According to them, there has always been a high interest in multi-year gymnasiums in the Czech Republic. According to experts, there are more reasons, such as the opinion that studying at a gymnasium is better than education at a primary school or concerns about entrance exams from the ninth grade.

New this year, applicants could submit three applications instead of two, on the applications they specified which school they most wanted to attend. Applications could be submitted in traditional paper form, they could also apply electronically or in paper form with the support of an electronic system.

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According to the analysis of the Ministry of Education, applicants for eight-year grammar schools mostly applied to schools in the same region as their permanent residence. The exception is the Central Bohemia region, from which applicants submitted about 38 percent of applications to Prague. More than a quarter of pupils from Central Bohemia applied for Prague with the highest priority.

According to the Ministry of Education, the situation of six-year grammar schools is different because they are not available in all regions. It is absent in the regions of Středočeské and Pardubice. Pupils who have a permanent residence in the Liberec Region submitted 11 percent of all applications for six-year grammar schools in Prague, in the Ústí Region it was almost 13 percent of applications.

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