Entendre: The Incredible Adventure of Trophée Roses des Sables

2023-10-27 09:09:19

???? Entendre

Angélina Théon and Julie Depuydt embarked, from October 10 to 22, on the incredible adventure of the Trophée Roses des Sables. 6000 km through the Moroccan desert, between sporting, solidarity and humanitarian challenge. The L’Eure des Roses duo will keep unforgettable memories.

“It was magical. An adventure so extraordinary, so enriching that I still have stars in my eyes.” Barely back from the Roses des Sables trophy, Angélina Théon has only one idea in mind: get back behind the wheel of her 4×4 and head back to the Moroccan desert. His decision has already been made: “In 2025, I will participate in the trophy again.”

These last three weeks have simply turned her life upside down, just like that of Julie, her teammate from the Eure des Roses (who extended her stay in Morocco for a few more days) who told us before the big departure that she was convinced that they would both come back transformed.

A compass, a “road book” and a mind of steel

Sometimes extreme driving conditions for Angélina, Julie and the 310 participants.

After a year and a half of preparations, of all-out mobilization to complete the budget of €18,000, to collect the 150 kg of donations that they sent to Morocco for the benefit of the association Les Enfants du Désert; to learn how to pilot their car… the time for the long-awaited departure had finally come. On October 9, in front of the Val-de-Reuil town hall, a meeting was held with their family, friends, sponsors and partners: last hugs, last photos, smoke bombs and horns… Then head for La Rochelle, Biarritz, Spain before heading to Tangier for the start of the 100% women’s race. A sporting challenge across the Moroccan desert guided only by their compass and the “road book” given each evening, at the bivouac site, for departure the next day. The objective for the 310 participants over these tens or hundreds of kilometers to be covered every day: to find the markers scattered along the route by the organizers.

“Certain stages, in the vastness of the desert and in the sand dunes, were extremely stressful… We could get bogged down at any moment, turn around… We really had to believe in ourselves to get to the end,” confides Angelina.

Pink Ribbon Spokespersons

A huge human pink ribbon formed by the 310 participants in the middle of the desert.

But much more than this sporting challenge, it is the solidarity and human challenge that will have marked Angélina and Julie. “The Roses des Sables Trophy supports 6 associations. Among them, the Pink Ribbon and Jeune et Rose who fight against breast cancer”. For each kilometer covered by all the participants, €1 was donated to the Ruban Rose association. Even more powerful, our L’Eure des Roses duo had been selected, with four other crews, to be the spokespersons for the Pink Ribbon during the rally. “This notably allowed me to testify in front of all the other participants about my fight against cancer at the age of 23,” Angelina slips, still flooded with emotion.

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His most beautiful memory of these twelve days of adventure, freedom and surpassing oneself will undoubtedly remain, this immense pink ribbon formed by the 310 Roses in the middle of the sand dunes, immortalized by the organizers’ drone.

Solidarity beyond borders

Dozens of tons of donations were given to the association Les Enfants du Désert

From this extraordinary odyssey, Angélina and Julie will also keep the memory of these beautiful and great friendships formed over the days, of these difficult living conditions of the nomads encountered in the desert or of all these children for whom hunger and precariousness are everyday life. “When we arrived at our second bivouac, we handed over the 150 kg of supplies, medical equipment, hygiene products, etc. to the Les Enfants du Désert association. Never have so many donations been distributed to them as during this 2023 edition. It warms the heart.”

In the end, after 6000 km of road, after 12 days of sporting and solidarity exploits, discovery of breathtaking landscapes, wonderful encounters, 12 days of “freedom” and “surpassing oneself”… life gradually progresses resume its course for our two Euroises. Even if nothing will probably be quite the same again!


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#unforgettable #days #Angélina #Julie

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