Ensuring Tax Promises for Entrepreneurs: Updates from France Inter and Bruno Le Maire at REF 2023

2023-08-28 07:54:29

On France Inter, Bruno Le Maire responded to the tax concerns of entrepreneurs gathered in Paris for the REF 2023. The minister affirms that the promises will be kept, in particular on the abolition of the CVAE.

The big back-to-school gathering of the Medef, the Rencontre des entrepreneurs de France (REF) 2023 – which is being held from Monday at the Longchamp racecourse, in the west of Paris – will open with a wind of concern from the business leaders on taxation. According to Patrick Martin, president of the Medef, they are concerned regarding tax policy, in particular with the postponement of the total abolition of the contribution on the added value of companies (CVAE) to 2027 instead of 2024. This morning, on France InterBruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, tried to reassure them.

“I want to reassure Patrick Martin. There is nothing to worry regarding. (…) I don’t see many entrepreneurs complaining regarding our tax policy because they know that with Emmanuel Macron we have kept our word We said we would reduce corporation tax from 33.3 to 25%,” explained Bruno Le Maire.

“The promise will be kept”

On the CVAE, the minister affirms that the promise will be kept.

“We will abolish the CVAE”, promised Bruno Le Maire, recalling that between 2017 and 2022, 10 billion in taxes have already been abolished for companies.

“I proposed in 2018 to lower production taxes, saying that if we want to successfully reindustrialise the country, we must lower them. They are 7 times higher than in Germany. In 2023, we have already cut 4 billion production taxes. Next year we will remove (another) one billion. We will continue until 2027 and the promise will be kept”.

As a reminder, the government had abolished half of the CVAE (i.e. 4 billion euros) in 2023. Initially, it was to abolish the rest of this tax (4 billion euros therefore) in 2024. Finally, it will be one billion euros less in 2024, then in 2025, 2026 and 2027. The tax will then be completely abolished.

Don’t “load the mule”

To explain the postponement of the abolition, Bruno Le Maire evokes the budgetary balance to be maintained.

“You have to take into account public finances. If we go too fast in lowering taxes and if we load the mule from the point of view of debt and deficits, (…) interest rates will increase, Business financing conditions will be less good and there will be less investment. We will all be losers, “explains the tenant of Bercy.

“With the President of the Republic, we will not deviate an inch on the reduction of taxes on businesses and households,” he added.

Will these explanations reassure the bosses? This will be the mission of the executive who will go in force to the REF 2023. With Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, a dozen members of the government are expected there. At the opening of this meeting, Emmanuel Macron will speak by videoconference.

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