Enrique Márquez will request an investigation against the CNE rectors

Presidential candidate Enrique Márquez will go to the Attorney General’s Office to request an investigation against the five rectors of the National Electoral Council.

“We are asking the Attorney General of the Republic to conduct an investigation and, if crimes are found, to criminally charge and generate the corresponding preliminary hearing against these five citizens who are playing with the future of our country. We will make this document public once it is submitted to the Attorney General’s Office in a few minutes.”

Márquez reported that on Tuesday he submitted a document to the TSJ “requesting the magistrates of the Electoral Chamber to declare null and void the entire process that has been carried out in the TSJ due to the procedural defects, due to the legal defects, in which the Chamber has incurred by admitting and developing the process as it has developed it until now.”

In his brief, Enrique Márquez also asked the TSJ to order the National Electoral Council (CNE) to review the content of the voting receipts issued by each of the machines on July 28.

“The CNE must keep the ballot boxes safe and they must be signed by witnesses, protected by the Plan República. We want each one of them to be opened to count each vote (…) Are they going to say that the boxes were also hacked?” he ironized.

Marquez questioned that this process has been “opaque” and reported that he has not been allowed access to the file.

The former candidate warned that this irregular procedure “has the country in suspense” and ““it is an attack on the voters.”

||The Public TV

#Enrique #Márquez #request #investigation #CNE #rectors
2024-08-17 10:52:26



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