Enough now, magistrates who make mistakes must pay –

Gianluigi Paragone

They wanted Giovanni Toti to resign from the presidency of the Liguria region and the investigating magistrates who forced him to house arrest obtained it. In the name of law, justice, the autonomy of the judiciary, the equality of citizens before the law and blah blah blah. Everything perfect. They obtained it. Now, however, I think that citizens must demand and obtain once and for all that the magistrates who make mistakes and treat people’s lives as if they were a “good” at their disposal (in the sense of investigations, let it be clear), must pay for having unjustly ruined the lives of others.

Toti has resigned. Forced to resign after the judicial pillory with no way out

Paying means compensating the victim and the State for the money spent arbitrarily. Citizens must obtain it in the name not only of common sense but also of democracy, otherwise the democratic game will be unbalanced in favor of those who know that they can throw you in jail and as long as you do not follow their will you will not be released. In Italy, miscarriage of justice is no longer an accident along the way (just mention Enzo Tortora as the only example: there are plenty of similar cases) but it is a frequent disservice, a “stumble” that costs the victims dearly. I do not know what will happen to Giovanni Toti and the idea I have formed (he did not commit a crime, but political and behavioral errors that nevertheless do not break the law and above all do not deserve 80 days of house arrest) does not count for anything: what counts will be the final sentence.

Toti resigns with a letter: “Proud of what I have done, I leave Liguria in order”

If he is finally guilty, it is right that he pays from that moment on; but if he is not guilty, we will find ourselves with another case of unjust detention, a ruined life and above all a personal budget drained to defend himself. I was saying that the magistrates “looked” at his resignation (a condition for which there will be no repetition of the crime) and in the end they won. Now, however, it is right that Italians know what it means to enter the hell of a justice system where the magistrate who makes a mistake does not pay. Does anyone think that the issue only concerns politics and politicians? No, official data tell us that the issue of unjust detention concerns above all ordinary people, who find themselves in jail with the worst charges for wiretaps misunderstood or for a wrong tip: there is nothing worse than a magistrate who makes a blunder and, not seeing it, seeks the victim’s confession, depriving him of his freedom.

Giovanni Toti resigned with a revolver to his temple: Senaldi in avalanche

If we were scandalized by the Salis stumps, perhaps it would be a good idea to have the victims tell what happens in Italian prisons. But who does it? The story of anti-mafia magistrates is always on TV. The story of the victims of magistrates almost never. I think that public service is having the courage to always tell these stories. But I have long since drawn a veil of silence over Rai. And then…

#magistrates #mistakes #pay #Tempo
2024-07-27 21:22:57



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