Enhancing School Security: Education Minister Urges Immediate Measures After Student Incidents

The Minister of State for National Education, Raïssa Malu, has stepped up to denounce the violence observed for some time in schools, where children come to learn the values ​​that form the basis of society and human relations and prepare them for the succession in the management of the country.

In a press release published this Friday, September 13, the Minister of State said she supports the continuation of the ongoing investigations, and hopes that responsibilities will be clearly established, so that the competent authorities can take the necessary measures.

“I am appalled. Schools should be safe places for students, teachers and administrative staff. We must act with firmness and determination to ensure the safety of our schools. We cannot tolerate any violence, whether internal or external to schools,” she said.

The minister deplored the murder of a teenager by an armed man in the territory of Nyirangongo, in the province of North Kivu, as well as the news of the death of an 8th grade student, stabbed at the Lycée Madame De Sévigné, in Limete, and another seriously injured following an act of violence perpetrated by their classmate, still in the same circumstances.

It should be noted that after the tragedy at Le Sévigné school, the student’s family said they were dismayed to see the school continue its activities, minimizing the act that had been committed.

The trial is scheduled to open this Friday at the juvenile court in the commune of Limete.


2024-09-13 16:18:33
#School #security #Education #Minister #demands #firm #measures #student #murders

What measures can schools take to effectively prevent violence and ensure student safety?

Condemning Violence in Schools: A Call to Action for Safe Learning Environments

Violence in schools is a growing ‌concern that threatens the‌ very fabric of our society. Schools are meant to be safe havens where children can learn,⁣ grow, and⁣ develop essential skills for the future. However, recent incidents of violence in schools have ⁤sparked outrage‌ and concern ‌among educators, parents, and authorities. The Minister of State ‍for ‌National Education, Raïssa Malu, has categorically condemned these acts of violence, emphasizing the need for firm action to ensure​ the safety of our schools.

A Safe Learning⁢ Environment: The Foundation of Society

Schools are not just institutions of‌ learning; they are also incubators of values that form the basis of human relations and society as a whole. Children are⁢ molded into responsible citizens who⁤ will one day take the reins of leadership and management in our country. Therefore, it is imperative that ‌schools ​provide‍ a⁣ safe and nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence, social‍ skills,⁤ and⁣ character development.

Recent Incidents‍ of ⁣Violence in ​Schools

The recent ⁣spate of violence in schools is a cause for concern. In a tragic incident, a teenager was brutally murdered by an armed man in Nyirangongo, North Kivu. In⁣ another incident, an 8th-grade ⁢student was stabbed to death at‌ the Lycée Madame De Sévigné in Limete, while another student was seriously injured in a separate act of violence perpetrated by a classmate. These incidents are disturbing reminders of the urgent need for action ⁤to prevent ​such tragedies from occurring in the future.

Minister’s Call ​to Action

Minister Raïssa Malu has categorically condemned these acts of violence, emphasizing the need for firm action ‍to ensure the safety of our schools. She has expressed her support for the ongoing investigations and hopes that responsibilities will ​be clearly established,​ enabling the competent⁢ authorities‍ to take the necessary measures. The minister’s statement is a clarion call to action, emphasizing that⁤ schools ⁢must be safe places for students, teachers, and administrative staff.

Urgent Need for Collaboration

Preventing violence in schools requires ⁤a collaborative effort from ​all stakeholders, including educators, ‌parents, policymakers, and law ⁢enforcement‌ agencies. We must work together to identify the root causes of violence and develop⁢ effective strategies to prevent such incidents from occurring. ​This‌ may involve implementing conflict resolution ⁢programs, enhancing security measures, and promoting a ⁢culture of ⁣respect and empathy among students.


Violence in ⁢schools is a ‍serious issue that requires immediate attention and action. As a society, we have a collective responsibility to ensure that our schools are⁤ safe‍ and nurturing environments where children can learn‌ and grow without fear of harm. The Minister’s call to action is a timely ⁤reminder of the need for firm action to prevent violence‍ in schools. Let us work together to create a ‌safe and ⁤secure environment that allows our children to thrive and reach their full potential.

Keywords: ⁣ violence in schools,‌ safe learning environments, Minister of State for National ⁣Education, Raïssa Malu, school violence, education, safety measures, conflict resolution ‌programs,‌ character development.

Note: The article is SEO-optimized with relevant keywords and meta tags‍ to improve search engine ranking and visibility.

Including parents, educators, law enforcement, and community members. A united front is essential to create a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of violence and implements effective strategies to ensure student safety.

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of condemning violence in schools and ensuring student safety:

Condemning Violence in Schools: A Call to Action for Safe Learning Environments

Violence in schools is a growing concern that threatens the very fabric of our society. Schools are meant to be safe havens where children can learn, grow, and develop essential skills for the future. However, recent incidents of violence in schools have sparked outrage and concern among educators, parents, and authorities. The Minister of State for National Education, Raïssa Malu, has categorically condemned these acts of violence, emphasizing the need for firm action to ensure the safety of our schools.

A Safe Learning Environment: The Foundation of Society

Schools are not just institutions of learning; they are also incubators of values that form the basis of human relations and society as a whole. Children are molded into responsible citizens who will one day take the reins of leadership and management in our country. Therefore, it is imperative that schools provide a safe and nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence, social skills, and character development.

Recent Incidents of Violence in Schools

The recent spate of violence in schools is a cause for concern. In a tragic incident, a teenager was brutally murdered by an armed man in Nyirangongo, North Kivu. In another incident, an 8th-grade student was stabbed to death at the Lycée Madame De Sévigné in Limete, while another student was seriously injured in a separate act of violence perpetrated by a classmate. These incidents are disturbing reminders of the urgent need for action to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

Minister’s Call to Action

Minister Raïssa Malu has categorically condemned these acts of violence, emphasizing the need for firm action to ensure the safety of our schools. She has expressed her support for the ongoing investigations and hopes that responsibilities will be clearly established, enabling the competent authorities to take the necessary measures. The minister’s statement is a clarion call to action, emphasizing that schools must be safe places for students, teachers, and administrative staff.

Urgent Need for Collaboration

Preventing violence in schools requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders,



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