Enhancing Political Abilities and Intelligence Through Learning: Theoretical Study Center Group Conference Insights

2023-10-26 23:20:28

The theoretical study center group of the Municipal Party Committee held a study meeting

Persevere in using the Party’s innovative theories to focus our minds and forge our souls, and improve our political abilities, thinking abilities, and practical abilities while increasing our intelligence through learning.

Du Xiaogang hosted and delivered a speech. Jiao Jianjun and Xu Zimin attended

On October 25, the Municipal Party Committee’s Theoretical Study Center Group held a study meeting to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s recent important speeches, important instructions, and important replies, and thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on establishing and practicing a correct view of political performance, and on using learning to Important requirements for increasing intelligence include in-depth study and application of the experience of Zhejiang’s “Ten Thousand Ten Thousand Projects”, a deep understanding of the principles and philosophy of the Party’s innovative theory, and continuous promotion of the theme education to be deeper and more practical. Du Xiaogang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the study meeting and delivered a speech. Jiao Jianjun, leader of the Provincial Party Committee’s Third Circuit Supervision Team, and Xu Zimin, leader of the Seventh Working Group of the Provincial Party Committee’s Study Tour Auditions, attended the meeting to provide guidance. Xiang Xuelong, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, attended the meeting. Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged speeches.

Du Xiaogang pointed out that the whole city must deeply study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the symposium on further promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, shoulder political responsibilities from a higher position, and resolutely adhere to the principle of “joint efforts to protect and not engage in large-scale “Develop” strategic orientation, further enhance the political awareness, ideological awareness, and action awareness of “the great nation”; use greater efforts to protect the ecological environment, complete the rectification and clearing of problems reflected in national, provincial, and municipal warning films with high quality, and coordinate Promote the governance of Taihu Lake, strictly implement the “ten-year ban on fishing” in the Yangtze River, and continuously unblock the two-way transformation channel between “lucid waters and lush mountains” and “gold and silver mountains”; strengthen demonstration and leadership at a higher level, and seize the opportunity to respect the ecology of the Yangtze River and highlight the advantages of the Yangtze River industrial structure and growth model, actively explore new mechanisms and new paths for the opening up of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, continue to promote regional complementarity, cross-river integration, and north-south linkage, and promote the high-quality development of the Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River Economic Belt with more leading and demonstrative results. Make more contributions.

Du Xiaogang emphasized that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum provided important guidance and brought major opportunities for us to deeply integrate into the “Belt and Road” construction. The whole city must thoroughly study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on jointly building the “Belt and Road”, anchor the goal of “creating a demonstration highland for international production capacity cooperation”, create a “cross-border e-commerce + industrial belt” development model, and explore the “China-Europe freight train” + overseas warehouse” new supply chain model, cultivate a number of “small but beautiful” people’s livelihood projects that are down-to-earth and attract people’s hearts, and fully unleash the potential of major strategies such as the construction of the “Belt and Road” and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The superimposed effect will be to deepen the construction of cities most satisfied with foreign investment and serve as the ballast stone for our province’s opening up to the outside world.

Du Xiaogang requested that the important requirements put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Jiangxi should be integrated with the major tasks of implementing the “Four Moves Ahead” and “Four New”, and deliver results in the first year with practical measures and head-on results. Qualified answer sheet. First, we must speed up the construction of a modern industrial system. Promote the renewal and upgrading of traditional industries, expand the scale of strategic emerging industry clusters, accelerate the forward-looking layout of future industries, and support high-quality development with the strong momentum of new productivity. Second, we must proactively align with major national strategies. Seize the major opportunities arising from the convergence of major strategies such as the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative, expand the strategic linkage corridor with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and expand a higher level of internal and external cooperation open. Third, we must unswervingly promote rural revitalization. We should focus on industrial revitalization as the top priority, learn deeply from the experience of Zhejiang’s “Ten Million Project”, continuously enhance the competitiveness of rural industrial development, and improve the completeness of rural infrastructure, convenience of public services, and comfort of the living environment. Fourth, we must work hard to draw a picture of common prosperity. Closely integrate the high-quality development of the population with the high-quality life of the people, accelerate the construction of age-friendly cities, and achieve a higher level of “seven things for people’s livelihood.” Fifth, we must strive to improve the effectiveness of thematic education. Inherit and carry forward the Jinggangshan Spirit, the Soviet Area Spirit, and the Long March Spirit, promote the city’s theme education with high quality, know the responsibilities, dare to do good, and test the results of the theme education with practical results in promoting high-quality development.

Du Xiaogang requested that we must conscientiously study the spirit of the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping on further promoting the construction of the Free Trade Pilot Zone, fully align with the promotion strategy of the Jiangsu Pilot Free Trade Zone, and achieve a higher level of coordinated opening up; conscientiously study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s celebration of the Chinese People’s The spirit of the important speech at the reception for the 74th anniversary of the founding of the Republic must be firmly grasped as the primary task of high-quality development, ensure the completion of the year’s goals and tasks, and strive for better results with greater efforts; earnestly study the words given by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the heroes studying at the People’s Public Security University of China The important spirit of replying to the children’s letter, caring for the families of comrades who died in the line of duty, vigorously publicizing and carrying forward the advanced deeds and lofty spirit of public security heroes; conscientiously studying the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on women and children’s work, in order to promote the majority of women to be at the forefront of the times, Create a good environment for children to thrive.

At the meeting, members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee conducted exchanges and discussions focusing on studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important requirements on increasing intelligence through learning. “Increasing intelligence through learning is an important yardstick for testing the effectiveness of thematic education.” Du Xiaogang pointed out in his speech that General Secretary Xi Jinping has recently made a series of important speeches and instructions on in-depth development of thematic education. Provincial Party Committee Secretary Nobunaga Xing pointed out during a survey in Jiangyin City and Huishan District of Wuxi that practical requirements should be implemented throughout the entire process of thematic education. We must thoroughly study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, consciously use the party’s innovative theory to study new situations and solve new problems, effectively increase wisdom through learning, and perform well for the party and the people with the courage to take responsibility and the ability to do well. Duty, fulfill your responsibilities. First, we must continuously improve our political capabilities, firmly grasp the political initiative, and be a politically “understanding person.” Always adhere to the correct political direction, integrate the requirements of establishing a correct view of political achievements into various thematic education measures, adhere to the “five musts” and put an end to the “seven haves”, always be absolutely loyal to the party, and earnestly fulfill our duties and obligations to the party. To benefit the people, we must maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core at all times and under any circumstances. Second, we must continuously improve our thinking ability, truly learn scientific thinking methods, and master the “master key” to research and solve problems. Consciously follow materialist dialectics and epistemology, conscientiously study the experience of the “Ten Thousands of Projects”, strengthen investigation and research, and enhance the ability to understand, identify, and grasp the laws, so as to truly see the essence of things through insight into the situation, and promote progress while focusing on the key points. Implement work, plan policies and measures while grasping the scale, create a new development situation while following the rules, and promote high-quality development and modernization in a down-to-earth manner. Third, we must continuously improve our practical capabilities, persist in applying what we have learned, integrate knowledge with action, and hone the “real skills” in promoting modernization. Vigorously carry forward the excellent academic style of integrating theory with practice, enhance the awareness of worries, adhere to bottom-line thinking, continuously improve the strategic vision and professional level of grasping the new development stage, implementing new development concepts, and building a new development pattern, and take more measures to benefit people’s livelihood and warm people’s hearts. , truly develop the true skills and hard work of promoting high-quality development, serving the people, preventing and defusing risks from the party’s innovative theory, and better shoulder the mission of the times entrusted by the party and the people.

Du Xiaogang put forward requirements for doing a good job in the study of the theoretical study center group of the party committee. First, focus on the main theme. Members of the central group must consciously take the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as their primary task, demonstrate and drive party members and cadres at all levels in the city to truly learn, truly understand, truly believe and apply, and continuously strengthen the use of the party’s innovative theories to unify their thinking, will, and Consciousness and determination in action. Second, we must expand learning methods. Members of the central team must closely integrate with the actual work, further improve learning methods, innovate learning forms, continue to work hard on deepening, internalization, and transformation, and continuously improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning. Third, we must adhere to the combination of learning and application. Members of the central group should integrate the central group’s learning with the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the central and provincial committees, combine them with the promotion of high-quality economic and social development in Wuxi, and effectively transform the results of theoretical study into new practices in promoting Chinese-style modernization in Wuxi and compose “Strong, Rich, and Beautiful” “High” actual results of a new chapter in Wuxi’s modernization drive.

(Gao Meimei)

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