2023-07-04 17:19:50
The world is changing and transforming with it the needs of companies looking to hire new profiles. In this wake, officials note that it is essential these days to adapt to this wave of change and to constantly develop the skills of students.
The importance of incorporating soft skills into university curricula was also highlighted in an article in the Journal of African and Nile Basin Studies, part of the Arab Democratic Center, under the title: “ Why does Moroccan higher education rely on soft skills? “.
The study also highlights the initiatives undertaken by the higher education sector in Morocco to promote this approach.
The word “soft skills” comes from English and literally means “soft skills”; it is increasingly used in the world of work and represents the human and non-technical (not measurable or testable) characteristics and skills of an employee. These are personal (and assimilated) qualities that help the person to perform better in the company.
As reported by the author of the research, Zerouali Sanae, soft skills or non-technical skills, such as effective communication, leadership, problem solving and critical thinking, are now considered essential elements for the success of students in the labor market.
The researcher explains in this sense that as part of the new reform, measures have been taken to give greater importance to foreign languages and to integrate teaching dedicated to relational and behavioral skills throughout the university course.
According to her, the new education system places more and more emphasis on soft skills, noting that Moroccan universities have become aware of the importance of these skills in the employability of graduates; and by teaching them, they improve students’ employment prospects and career success.
Moroccan universities have thus adopted innovative teaching methods concerning soft skills, promoting active and concrete learning. Collaborative projects, simulations, case studies and internships are a great contribution to allow students to develop their soft skills. These dynamic approaches thus promote holistic learning and practical application of soft skills, enhancing their employability.
#Soft #skills #coming #university