Engineered Antibodies Selectively Target Mutations on HER2, Kill Cancer in Mice

Breaking News in Cancer Research: Targeting HER2 Protein Mutations!

Well, folks, it seems like science is finally taking a stab at something that should have been addressed a long time ago—those pesky HER2 mutations that plague cancer patients! Yes, you heard it right. Researchers at NYU are developing targeted treatments that are so precise they could put a sharpshooter to shame! And who wouldn’t want a treatment with minimal side effects? Because let’s face it, nobody wants to feel worse while fighting off the big C! Can I get an amen?!

Dr. Shohei Koide, the mastermind behind this research, had the audacity to suggest they could actually create an antibody that targets a **single** change in a protein. Now, conventional wisdom might say, “Good luck with that, mate!” But surprise, surprise! They nailed it! Think of it like trying to recognize your mate in a crowd based solely on their left shoe. But hey, they did it! Just don’t ask me how—they ended up getting published in Nature Chemical Biology, which is no easy feat. I mean, most of us stop at getting published in the school newsletter.

“Selective targeting of cancers remains an important challenge in cancer drug discovery,” said the team. Well, no kidding!

Now, as the researchers pointed out, the minute mutations like the ones in HER2 can transform a healthy cell into a cancerous monster. It’s like someone accidentally switched off the “do not disturb” sign, and suddenly, cells are partying like they just won the lottery! And yes, some of the existing therapies are about as selective as a toddler with candy— they don’t know what they’re targeting and often harm healthy cells like some drunk Uncle at a family reunion. You don’t want that while taking on cancer, trust me!

Here’s where it gets juicy—these researchers are developing bispecific T cell engagers. Sounds fancy, right? Simply put, they’re creating an antibody that plays both sides, binding to the nasty mutant HER2 on the cancer cell and calling in the big guns—our good buddies, the T cells. The antibody literally says, “Oi! Over here! Target that!” It’s like a two-for-one deal, which is something we can all appreciate. Who doesn’t love a deal? It gets better, though; they found that their trick could take down mutant HER2 tumors in mice without turning their furry friends into patients! It’s like the scientists took their work to the lab equivalent of a five-star restaurant.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves—while they’re seeing success in mice, there’s still the big question of whether these breakthroughs will translate to humans. You wouldn’t want to be the first one to put your hand up for a treatment that’s still in its early swaddling stages. It’s a bit like trying out a new ride at an amusement park; you never quite know if it’s going to be a thrilling experience or an outright disaster!

In their own sweet, scientist-style optimism, Koide and team suggested that this innovative antibody might lead to treatments for other cancers and mutant proteins. Who wouldn’t cheer for that?! I mean, it’s not every day that you find a protein acting like a nightclub bouncer who refuses dim-witted visitors while letting the suave ones in to wreak havoc.

In closing, while the researchers are still fine-tuning their masterpiece, let’s remember: the road from lab bench to bedside isn’t exactly a stroll in the park—it’s more like navigating through a minefield wearing clogs! But if this research pans out, we could be looking at a future where we can say goodbye to hefty side effects while our bodies bring the fight to cancer with unmatched precision. So, here’s to science, proteins, and those clever antibodies that we hope will save the day. Cheers!



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