Energy suppliers call for more speed in the energy transition

A clear commitment to the energy transition and more speed in the decisions required for it: this is what the domestic energy industry is demanding from the next government. This requires cross-party solidarity, said Verbund boss Michael Strugl on Wednesday. Strugl is also president of the Austrian Energy Association.

The goal of making Austria’s energy policy a new and more independent one must be beyond dispute. The sharp rise in energy prices as a result of the war in Ukraine has shown that Austria’s energy supply must be put on its own feet, not only for reasons of climate protection and security of supply, but also for economic reasons.

If Austria wants to achieve its climate and energy goals, everything that can be electrified must be electrified. This requires doubling electricity generation and tripling output by 2040, said Barbara Schmidt, Secretary General of Oesterreichs Energie. The e-industry has promoted a “future package for Austria” that contains a number of demands and with which industry representatives are lobbying for support from politicians, the administration and the population. Industry representatives would like the next government to pool responsibilities in a “transformation ministry”. The industry is also pushing for a law to accelerate the expansion of renewables and other regulatory framework conditions such as the implementation of the EU gas market package. Industry representatives are also demanding legal certainty for price adjustments in electricity supply contracts. In addition, the e-industry is calling for clear guidelines for the designation of suitable areas and zones in the individual federal states, a clear strategy for the future use of hydrogen, incentives for network expansion, more speed in approvals and procedures, and a long-term plan to maintain the safety of the systems.

“We will continue to invest”

The e-industry also wants to make its contribution: “We will continue to invest, we will continue to build, we will build plants, we will build lines, we will continue to work on innovative projects,” said Strugl.


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