The Electricity and Gas Regulatory Commission (Creg) notes that energy suppliers have, in addition to the high cost price of electricity and gas, increased all kinds of costs and margins. This represents hundreds of euros on an annual basis.
With a growing number of suppliers, the federal regulator has noticed “For some time now, elements other than simple indexations of price formulas have been adjusted on a monthly basis, so that developments on the wholesale markets are less visible in price developments for the end consumer”.
Over the past two years, the fixed fee for both electricity and natural gas has increased by 25% on average. As a result, the annual bill for a household has increased by 25 euros (excl. VAT) on average. The Creg has also noted an increase in the coefficient of the indexation parameter and the mark up, which amounts to increasing the annual bill of an average household by 100 to 150 euros, both for electricity and gas. The Creg is targeting the Luminus company in particular. “Over several months, the level of mark ups is so high that the impact on the annual bill of an average household amounts to more than 1,000 euros for electricity, and 700 euros for natural gas.”
The federal regulator specifies that it is carrying out a “general survey of all suppliers (…) in order to deepen the analysis of these developments and to justify whether they are solely due to the increase in costs linked to high market prices”.