Energy Sobriety: Minister’s Recommendations for Winter Heating and Efficiency in France

2023-10-16 15:47:43

After the episode of late heat which settled in France throughout the month of September and at the beginning of October, the cold marked a timid return during the last few days. The opportunity for the Minister of Ecological Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, to put the subject of energy sobriety back on the table. Will the French be forced to set their heating to 19 degrees this winter?

During a conference organized on the theme of energy sobriety, the Minister of Ecological Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, delivered her recommendations in anticipation of this winter. As a reminder, last year’s energy efficiency plan included a measure which was not unanimously accepted by the French: heating in public buildings and in offices limited to 19 degrees. The government also recommended that citizens apply this rule for housing.

Although this drastic measure divided opinions, it still produced satisfactory results. According to government figures, gas and electricity consumption recorded a drop of 12% between August 1, 2022 and July 31, 2023 compared to the same period of 2018-2019, preceding the Covid-19 pandemic.

Energy sobriety: the minister calls for making it a habit

During her intervention, the Minister of Ecological Transition did not set new quantitative reduction targets for this winter. Furthermore, it did not impose any restrictions on households and commercial entities. She simply stressed that from now on, showing sobriety should become a habit, citing climate issues. Members of the government are, in fact, increasing their appeals to citizens to save energy, and the measures planned for this purpose are also numerous.

In detail, the government offers aid to encourage the French to modify their heating system. In particular, it is a question of switching to less energy-consuming solutions and redoing the insulation of homes with poor energy performance diagnostics. Thanks to the initiative of the National Housing Agency, households with the lowest incomes have been able, since October 1, to undertake complete energy renovation work on their home. The ceilings for work covered by support from Ma Prime Rénov Sérénité have increased, reaching 65% of the cost of work for very low-income households and 50% for low-income households.

#heating #measurement #degrees #renewed #winter



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