Energy savings: the 19 degree limit does not please Carlo Sommaruga, president of Asloca

Everyone is affected, directly or indirectly, by the uncertainties weighing on energy this winter. This is the message of the Federal Council and many economic organizations, trade unions and associations, which launched their energy saving campaign on Wednesday. A message that is concretely illustrated by the housing situation: both tenants and landlords are called upon to reduce their consumption by optional actions. For those heating with gas – dependent on Russian deliveries – the device could even go further in the event of a proven shortage: it would then become compulsory to lower the temperature to 19 degrees. The measure, binding, is not enthroned. She is in consultation. But a trend is emerging. And it does not appeal to everyone, like Carlo Sommaruga, Socialist Senator (GE) and President of the Swiss Association of Tenants (Asloca).

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