Energy prices: towards aid for households that heat with pellets

Moreover, it is rumored that there is a consensus to extend until the end of March the monthly aid of 135 euros for gas and 61 euros for electricity put in place for November and December 2022.

And if no measure had yet been decided for people who heat themselves with pellets, the situation should change.

According to our information, an agreement has been reached between members of the government to support these households through new aid. This measure, pushed in particular by Ecolo, would result in the establishment of a check for €250 on the same principle as that which exists for fuel oil.

On the other hand, consumers who received aid for fuel oil would not be able to obtain this new cheque.

Will the owners of stoves and pellet boilers, who are also facing large increases, no longer be the big ones forgotten by the crisis? Final answer this Tuesday!

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