Energy: new fixed contracts up to 45% more expensive than variable contracts

A few days ago, Engie announced that it was relaunching a fixed contract offer. An offer that complemented those offered by Luminus and Mega. The latter even proposed a new fixed offer in stride. Prospects are therefore better in the energy market, and other suppliers should follow in the coming weeks.

But should we rush on these fixed offers? Test Achats has done the math, and it is better to remain cautious. “The Luminus Optifix contract (digital invoices and online customer service only) which is the cheapest. For this contract, consumers pay 808 euros for electricity and 1,318 euros for natural gas (for energy only, excluding transport costs and taxes). Engie Easy Fixed and Luminus Comfy are respectively 166 and 180 euros more expensive for the electricity-gas combination. Mega Cozy Fixed is the most expensive: 934 euros for electricity and 1,476 euros for natural gas. This is partly explained by the very high fixed fee, which the customer pays per year started: 137.80 euros per energy”, details the consumer defense association.

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With such rates, there is therefore a big difference with the variable contracts currently offered. “For example, the variable electricity product DATS24 (Colruyt Group) has an estimated price of 643 euros for electricity and 1110 euros for gas. This means that fixed products are 26% (Luminus Optifix) to 45% (Mega Cozy Fixed) more expensive for electricity and 19% to 33% for gas. Concretely, for an average consumption of electricity and gas, the customer therefore pays from 373 euros (Luminus Optifix) to 657 euros (Mega Cosy) more on an annual basis compared to the variable product of DATS24”, we learn.

Obviously, these variable prices are subject to the laws of the market and can change from month to month. We must therefore make the choice to pay the price to protect ourselves.

The gas market seems to have reached a point of balance but caution: “All is not won for all that”



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