Energy efficiency: CIF aims for 100% green energy

Energy bet won for the CIF which did not skimp on the means. Between diversification and decarbonization, the Belgian-Moroccan firm maintains its leading position

Reducing the energy bill, this is the bet on which the Compagnie Industrielle des Fibers (CIF) has bet. A challenge she rose to brilliantly. In 2021, the company reviewed its development strategy by investing massively in renewable energies. Nearly 20 million dirhams have been allocated to equip its industrial park, which covers 2 hectares, with photovoltaic panels. With a total power of 2,700 Kw, the 6,800 solar panels installed cover 22% of energy consumption, or 4.3% Gw per year. A feat that the top management proudly displays and certifies that it is the first private photovoltaic park in the country.

A 100% green energy ambition
In the same vein, the leaders indicate that the green energy consumed by the firm amounts to 84%, in addition to wind power. And the desire to reach the heights only increases. Indeed, this leading company in the manufacture of woven polypropylene bags is aiming for 100% green energy by 2025. And to achieve this, the company is in talks with specialized companies. Furthermore, the changes initiated have enabled the CIF to reduce its energy bill by 11%.

In addition, in terms of environmental impact, top management certifies that it does not pay any solid waste, on the pretext that all plastic waste is recycled and recovered. Ditto for polluted liquid discharge as long as the entity has a water treatment station. Same observation for the gaseous discharge. In the same perspective of development, the CIF has equipped itself with less energy-consuming machines.

A new building of 5000 m2
A new building with an area of ​​5000 m² has just been inaugurated. It is designed in particular to accommodate new machines dedicated to the manufacture of new products, in this case flexible packaging. This new site already produces 12 tons daily. A capacity that the firm plans to increase by 2025 to 45 tonnes. It is important to specify that since its creation in 1951, the company has opted for a policy of diversification.

Indeed, it is in Tangier that the adventure of the Blondeau family began. The founder, who was living in Belgium at the time, was the boss of a sugar refinery whose packaging was done in hessian bags and, to get supplies, one of the family members s is oriented towards Tangier. Chance made him decide to launch a manufacturing plant with Alfred Cruysmans, a friend of the family he met in Morocco.

From the transformation of synthetic materials to the diversification of plastic materials through the manufacture of laminated bags, CIF has imposed itself, one thing leading to another, on the Moroccan market to hold the leading position with 40% of market.

In 2009, the company marked a new turning point in its history, that of exporting in particular to Africa, to the point of setting up a factory in Senegal in 2015. “If the company has prospered so far, it is because we attach great importance to technological changes, in addition to the diversification that today allows us to control the entire value chain.

And the Senegalese subsidiary is no exception to the rule. It operates according to the same business model. I would add that investment projects are possible”, reveals Olivier Steisel, general manager of the CIF.

In the same vein, the company launched into flexible packaging and flat bottom bags in 2020. After a year, another production unit was added to the list. These are complexed bags. As a reminder, CIF was selected to invest in flexible multilayer packaging as part of the industrial acceleration plan.

Today, the industrial fiber company remains one of the jewels of Moroccan industry. It employs 695 people and operates on an area of ​​7.5 hectares, 3.5 of which are covered. Its production capacity is estimated at 850,000 bags per day and 15 tons of twine. And when it comes to decarbonization, the progress is irreproachable. A model to follow.

Maryem Ouazzani / ECO Inspirations

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