Energy cost subsidy 1: Second pre-registration phase started

From January 16 to January 20, 2023, companies can use the second pre-registration phase for the energy cost subsidy 1 with a funding period from February to September 2022.

The energy cost subsidy 1 can be applied for from January 16th in an additional pre-registration phase. After the end of the three-week pre-registration phase in October and November 2022, companies that missed it can pre-register from January 16 to 20, 2023 for the energy cost subsidy 1, which provides subsidies between February and September 2022. Pre-registration is a prerequisite for the application that has already started, which is possible until February 15, 2023. The second pre-registration phase, like the first, takes place via the aws homepage and does not apply to the extension of EKZ 1 for the fourth quarter of 2022 or to the energy cost subsidy 2 that has already been decided.

For these two grant phases According to the information, separate registration data will be communicated. “The urgency of the energy cost subsidy as a support measure can be seen from the high number of pre-registrations. For this reason and to give all entrepreneurs who are dependent on the subsidy and who have failed to register in advance the opportunity to apply for it, we have opened a second pre-registration window from January 16 to January 20, 2023″. emphasizes Kocher.

The first payment phase of the energy cost subsidy 1 has already begun. As of January 13, 2023, almost 16 million euros were paid out to 716 companies. “It is very important to me as Economics Minister that we can quickly support the companies affected with the energy cost subsidy. While in other countries the payment will not start until 2023, in Austria the first companies received the first support payments as early as December 2022,” the Labor and Economics Minister continued.

Energy cost subsidy 1 for energy-intensive companies

With the energy cost subsidy 1, energy-intensive companies are supported with a subsidy of 30 percent of their additional costs for electricity, natural gas and fuel in the months of February 2022 to September 2022. Those companies whose annual energy costs amount to at least three percent of the production value are considered energy-intensive. Companies with an annual turnover of up to a maximum of EUR 700,000 are exempt from this admission criterion. The subsidy is regulated in a staged program – from stage 2, only electricity and natural gas can be promoted. Payment is made on the basis of the documents submitted with the application. Depending on the funding level, companies are supported with at least 2,000 euros up to a maximum of 50 million euros. A total of 1.3 billion euros is available for funding.

Against the background of persistent inflation and the introduction of the German gas and electricity price brake, the Austrian federal government has decided on a successor model for the energy cost subsidy 1. The energy cost subsidy, whose original funding period was only valid until September 2022, will now be extended until the end of 2022. For the year 2023, the energy cost subsidy 2 will then apply with the funding period from January 1 to December 31, 2023. “This means that we are well prepared in 2023 and will ensure that we remain competitive in Austria,” says Kocher.

Information on the energy cost subsidy and pre-registration can be found here.

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