Enem 2024: How to make a study schedule

2024-02-28 19:07:51

10 tips for putting together a study schedule for Enem 2024

Last year, less than half of Brazilian high school students took the test. With planning, it is possible to do well on the exam and enter Higher Education. Check out 10 tips to help with your ENEM 2024 run

Less than half of high school students in the public school network in Brazil in 2023 participated in the National High School Examination (ENEM), one of the main access routes to Higher Education. Thus, last year, the total number of candidates was equivalent to just 46% of students and, in 2024, the Federal Government’s objective is to increase the participation of people who are completing the school stage.

How to make a study schedule for Enem 2024? Check out expert tips

Created in 1998 by the Ministry of Education (MEC), ENEM aims to evaluate the quality of Secondary Education in the country, and is also used as a selection criterion for entry into several universities and Higher Education institutions in Brazil, through the Education System. Unified Selection (SISU), the University for All Program (ProUni), the Student Financing Fund (FIES) and access modalities.
Held annually for two days in November and free for public school students, Enem is not yet accepting registrations for the 2024 edition, but the time to prepare should begin as soon as possible.

Check out tips from Refuturiza’s education and career specialist, Ellen Murray, to create a personalized and effective study schedule for ENEM.

Here are the 10 tips for ENEM 2024

1- Define your goals

Establish what your specific goals are for Enem 2024. This may include your desired score, the areas in which you need to improve and the universities or courses you want to enroll in.

2- Survey the content

Analyze all the subjects that will be covered in the exam, including Languages ​​and Codes, Human Sciences, Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Prioritize the areas that you find most challenging or in which you need to improve.

3- Establish a schedule

Divide the study period leading up to Enem into specific blocks of time, considering your daily responsibilities, such as school, work and other activities.

4- Create a daily or weekly study plan

Determine how many hours per day or week you can dedicate to studying and distribute this time evenly between the different subjects. Remember to include regular breaks for rest and leisure.

5- Use reliable study materials

Look for quality teaching materials, handouts, video classes and exercises that cover all Enem content, that are up to date and developed by reliable sources. Additionally, use previous tests to practice and familiarize yourself with the exam format.
Another tip is to practice writing essays on current topics. For example, in 2023, the theme was regarding the care economy carried out by women in Brazil.

6- Review regularly

Set aside time in your schedule to review material studied regularly. Constant review is essential to reinforce learning and ensure that you do not forget what you previously studied.

7- Monitor your progress

Keep a record of your progress, including areas where you have been successful and those that still need more attention. Make adjustments to your schedule as needed to reach your goals.

8- Stay motivated

Set rewards for yourself for achieving specific goals and seek support from friends, family, or study groups to stay motivated.

9- Stay healthy

Don’t forget to take care of your physical and mental health during the study process. Maintain a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and make time for relaxing activities such as exercise and hobbies.

10- Be prepared for adjustments

Your study schedule may need to be adjusted over time as you identify what works best for you and which areas need more attention. Be open to making changes as needed to optimize your study time.

Refuturizes education ecosystem

In addition to tips for preparing the schedule, companies such as Refuturiza, an education and employability ecosystem, offer preparatory courses for ENEM that cover all the subjects present in the exam, with video classes, study materials and practical exercises, in addition to the student being able to follow your progress through assessments and simulations that prepare you for the dynamics of the exam, consisting of a writing test and four objective tests, with 45 questions each: languages, humanities, natural sciences and mathematics.

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