Enem 2023: request for exemption from registration fee can be made until Friday (28)

2023-04-27 09:09:00

Students who intend to take the National High School Exam have until Friday (28) to ask registration fee waiver of the test. Likewise, the deadline is the same for those who also need to present an absence justification for those who had the exemption granted for the 2022 edition, but did not attend.

To ensure the accessibility of the platform service to candidates, the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research (Inep) released different versions of the notice to assist people with disabilities. In this sense, one of them was published in the Brazilian Sign Language and there is also a variant with adaptations for those with visual impairments. The Institute stated:

If no justification is provided or it is refused, the student will have to pay the registration fee. The result of the analysis of the justifications will be released on May 8

According to what the agency itself informs, the exemption is guaranteed to students in the 3rd grade of high school in the year 2023, in a public school declared to the School Census. In addition, students who attended all of high school in a public school or with full scholarships in a private school also have this right.

The same goes for those who are in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability because they are members of low-income families, who are registered in the Cadastro Único for social programs of the federal government, CadÚnico.

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See how to apply for the Enem fee exemption

Applicants who need to apply for fee waiver must enter the platform Gov.br and submit the request or justification for absence on the Participant’s Page located on the official Enem 2023 portal. On the website, just click on the “Justification for absence/exemption” and follow the instructions.

Enem registrations, in turn, have been postponed and should be made between June 5th and 16th. As for the exam, it will be held on November 5th and 12th of this year. Finally, check out the changes that the test will have in editions from 2024, according to the president of Inep.

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