Endometriosis: can sport reduce pain?

Belatedly recognized, endometriosis has been increasingly highlighted in recent years. In France, 10% to 15% of women of childbearing age are concerned1.

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a gynecological disease chronic disease of women of childbearing age which is characterized by the development of a uterine lining (the endometrium) outside the uterus, colonizing other nearby organs. It is an embarrassing, even disabling disease, which is manifested mainly by pain during menstruation, pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), frequent pelvic pain… These pains are not normal and are today the most common symptoms of endometriosis. Endometriosis can also be source of infertility; 30 to 40% of women suffering from endometriosis are affected by a problem ofinfertility2.

Can endometriosis be cured?

To date, there is no no curative treatment to cure endometriosis. If treatment is sorely lacking for the 1.5 to 2.5 million French women concerned, we cannot help but make a link with the (very) late recognition of this disease. Indeed, it took until 2022 for endometriosis to be recognized as a long-term condition by the National Assembly. But since 2021, the trend has tended to reverse with the implementation of a national strategy to combat endometriosis and the strengthening of French research on the subject. For the time being, the existing therapeutic options remain limited to the pain management.

Sport to relieve pain related to endometriosis

Exercise for relieve gynecological pain ? Many studies have already proven that playing sports during menstruation might reduce pain and cramps. This is because physical activity promotes blood circulation in the pelvic area, which helps relax the uterine muscles.

What motivate the interest of researchers on the impact of sport on the symptoms of endometriosis. In 2022, a study carried out on rats by has already yielded promising results … A French researcher, Dr. Géraldine Escriva-Boulley, from the University of Haute-Alsace, is now seeking to study theimpact of physical exercise on pain reduction in women. To this end, the French researcher has set up the Crescendo program (“acCRbesides theEphysical exercise and Sharbor for Comber theENDOmetriosis”). The idea? Recruit 200 participants, divided into 4 groups, offer them physical activities – by videoconference – and observe to what extent the pain is reduced. The program should last 6 months and, in the long term, might well help women suffering from endometriosis to do without painkillers. Want to advance research? The study is still in progress and it is possible to register to participate by contacting Dr Géraldine Escriva by email.

1. Source “Taking care of endometriosis: the ministry is committed”, sante.gouv.fr.

2. Source: “Infertility and Endometriosis”, www.endofrance.org.

3. All women are different. Playing sports during your period is not an obligation; if we suffer too much, nothing obliges us to play sports!

4. “Exercise modulates estrogen receptors in a rat animal model of endometriosis“, Dr Caroline Appleyard, Ponce Research Institute, Porto Rico.



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