Endeavor Mining: support for girls’ education

  • Via 4-year scholarships
  • In Senegal, on the Ivory Coast
  • 14 beneficiaries in Burkina Faso

The Endeavor Mining group has initiated a project to support the education of young girls in the countries that host its activities in West Africa. They are a total of 14 young Burkinabè, Ivorian and Senegalese girls aged 13 to 16, from 6th grade, who will benefit from funding for their school curriculum, starting this school year 2022-2023 for a period of 4 years from the first cycle. They are therefore the best two (2) girls who obtained their Primary School Certificate for the past year in the areas neighboring the Ity mine and the Lafigué project in Côte d’Ivoire, the mines of Houndé, Mana, Wahgnion and Boungou in Burkina Faso and the Sabodala-Massawa mine in Senegal. This by supporting the four (4) school years between 6th and 3rd under conditions of passage to the next class and proof of attendance. Each young girl will receive 250,000 FCFA per year over the 4-year period.

It is a total of 14 million FCFA to see these young girls graduate from college.

The objective of this support is to promote the retention in education of young girls from communities neighboring Endeavor’s mining sites, insofar as young girls in these areas are highly exposed to the risk of dropping out of school following primary school.

For Djaria Traoré, Executive Vice-President in charge of Sustainable Development and the Supply Chain, “this initiative is part of the Education axis of the group’s sustainable development strategy. It aims to identify and support young people, especially young girls, in the school curriculum, in order to guarantee quality training, which will contribute to making them the leaders of tomorrow in their respective fields. In fact, it is the continuation of our education efforts in West Africa through a series of education programs led by our teams at the sites and by the Endeavour Foundation”.

Education is one of the key pillars of the Endeavor Mining group’s sustainable development strategy. In its desire to contribute positively to the development of communities, Endeavor Mining is resolutely committed to financing sustainable programs with high added value. The group supports a wide range of educational projects locally, around its mining sites as well as nationally and regionally, through the Endeavor Foundation.

The school enrollment rate for girls remains very low in the communities around the areas of activity. This situation is partly due to certain beliefs rooted in our societies and sometimes aggravated by financial difficulties.

Other Endeavor Education Projects

Education being one of the priorities of Endeavor Mining’s sustainable development strategy, we have implemented various high-impact projects for young people from the communities surrounding our operations, as well as for the deserving children of our employees.

‘Elite of tomorrow’ in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Senegal

In its policy of supporting the education and training of young people, Endeavor Mining through its Foundation, has invested more than 400 million FCFA since 2018 in a scholarship program called “Elite of tomorrow” for deserving students in Burkina Faso, Senegal and Ivory Coast. With the Elites of Tomorrow program, Endeavor fully supports the tuition and social care costs of scholarship students throughout their 3 to 5-year university course. A total of 29 students in preparatory classes including 27 Burkinabe; 21 students are still in university, including 11 enrolled in engineering schools in Burkina Faso, Morocco and France.

Partnership with five universities in Burkina Faso

The Endeavor Foundation has initiated a three-year partnership framework agreement with five Burkinabe universities. The objective of this partnership is to promote excellence by offering a framework for professional expression to young graduates through internship and job opportunities within the mines of Endeavor Mining in Burkina Faso. Thanks to this partnership agreement Endeavor will receive each year for 3 years, 60 young graduates for immersion internships in companies or professional integration internships.

Endeavor Mining, concerned and eager to support the emergence of a dynamic and well-trained youth, affirms its desire to support the efforts of the government of Burkina Faso, which is working to improve the education system.

Support in obtaining birth certificates in Ity

As part of a program aimed at vulnerable young girls in Endeavor’s areas of activity, the company, through its Ity mine, has initiated a project to grant supplementary judgment to young girls in Trogleu (Zouan-Hounien in Côte d’Ivoire), to enable them to enroll in school for the first time. A total of 46 girls from vulnerable families between the ages of five and eight received their first identity document.

A document, often taken for granted but which gives these young girls an official existence, and represents access to development opportunities.

Gold nuggets in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Senegal

In 2021, Endeavor initiated the annual “Golden Nuggets” program in all of its countries of activity, namely Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal.

The “Golden Nuggets” are an initiative led by the Endeavor Foundation which rewards the academic excellence of the children of Endeavor employees who have successfully passed their school exams (CEPE, BEPC, BAC). This initiative is widely appreciated by the parents of students who salute the contribution of their employer in the education of their children. The winning students also express their gratitude to Endeavour. Since 2021, 373 families have benefited from this support from Endeavour, 110 children in 2021 and 263 children in 2022 who have been rewarded. Among this year, there are 45 winners of the BAC, 81 winners of the BEPC and 137 winners of the CEP.

Through these education support projects, Endeavor Mining thus participates in the emergence of qualified women and men who will be the leaders of tomorrow and able to contribute to sustainable change in their localities, at the national and international level. Thanks to this support, these young girls and boys will benefit from useful training in order to meet the future challenges of socio-economic development and growth in our region, West Africa.

A propos d’Endeavour Mining

Endeavor Mining is one of the world’s largest gold producers and the leader in production in West Africa, with operating assets in Senegal, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. The company has a strong portfolio of advanced development projects and exploration assets in the Birimian formations of the highly prospective greenstone belt in West Africa.

A member of the World Gold Council, Endeavor is committed to the principles of responsible mining and to delivering sustainable value to its employees, partners and the communities in which it operates.

Endeavor is listed on the London Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol EDV.

For more information, please visit www.endeavourmining.com

Press contact: Lydie Ouédraogo, email: [email protected]



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