Endangered pink dolphins rescued

Pink Dolphin | Photo: twitter.com/seriousstrange

Colombia: Two pink dolphins rescued from shallow river basin A mother penguin and her baby were rescued by the rescue workers who were trapped in the Meta River in Colombia. Dolphins rescued from the river would be brought ashore and checked for health conditions and then released into the deeper river. It took about 17 minutes for this.

Members of Omaka Foundation also participated in the rescue operation. Environmental organizations and security forces participated in the rescue operation. Local residents first informed the authorities about the dolphins being trapped. This was followed by the rescue operation.

Pink dolphins are known by the scientific name Inia geofrancis. Pink dolphins are mainly found in riverine habitats such as the Amazon and Orinoco. Pink dolphins can also be found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela.

Fully grown pink dolphins, which are freshwater mammals, can weigh up to 220 kg. They are an endangered species as per IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) list. They were included in the list in 2018.

Pink dolphins are also known as Amazon river dolphins. Their membership is less than 100,000 worldwide. Another major threat to Colombia’s dolphins is fishing.

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