end of the strike at the TotalEnergies refinery in Gonfreville-l’Orcher

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15h48 : “Since 2007, I have never heard a parliamentarian prejudge a decision of the Constitutional Council. (…) You seek to delegitimize the institutions (…), it is not very responsible, madam”replied the Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt.

15h47 : “France is not convalescent but sick to see its great social and democratic principles trampled underfoot (…). It was your 49.3 of March 16 that caused intense harm in the country which redoubled the mobilization” once morest pension reform, accuses LFI MP Raquel Garrido. “Whatever the decision of the Constitutional Council, there will be no recovery without withdrawal of the pension law”she said once more.

3:36 p.m. : “On Friday, the Constitutional Council will have to make its decision. This text has been concerted for four months, has been voted on twice by the Senate and validated by a joint committee”. The weeks follow one another and look alike in the hemicycle, where the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, finds himself once more defending the pension reform.

10h56 : Tribune for Emmanuel Macron to appoint an LR, Prime Minister: “If some have a deep desire to join the dying macronie, let them do it but stop dressing up this idea of ​​​​obtaining a position in great principles “, criticizes Aurélien Pradié. https://t.co/Ag3TdOa25l

10h53 : Aurélien Pradié does not retain anyone at LR. “If some have a deep desire to join Emmanuel Macron and the dying Macronie, let them do it”launched on franceinfo the deputy Les Républicains du Lot.

The chosen one targeted the deputies Nicolas Forissier, Philippe Juvin and Stéphane Viry, as well as the former number 2 of the party Virginie Calmels. In a column published in Le Figarothe latter call for an agreement with the majority.

10h42 : It was the last French refinery to maintain the strike movement once morest the pension reform. At a general meeting this morning, the employees of the TotalEnergies refinery in Gonfreville-l’Orcher (Seine-Maritime) decided to return to work. “The resumption of production may take a few days”, specifies the direction to France Bleu Normandie. The renewable strike began on March 7.

10h14 : Pssst: we’ve updated our map to locate gas stations that are running out of fuel, in the midst of strikes and blocking refineries.


09h08 : Will Thursday’s demonstration once morest the pension reform be the last? Laurent Berger does not give an answer for the moment. “You will wait until the beginning of next week to have an answer to this question”, simply explained the secretary general of the CFDT on LCI.

08h58 : According West FranceMajority MP Graziella Melchior is among those who missed their train.

The elected representative of the 5th constituency of Finistère, surrounded by “no less than 10 gendarmes“, preferred to turn back when arriving at the SNCF station.

08h44 : Several regional trains were canceled this morning in Brittany due to the presence of demonstrators on the tracks. A spokesperson for the railway company told AFP that this concerns the stations of Morlaix, Guingamp and Landerneau. Traffic is picking up.

08h23 : According to Xavier Bertrand, the decision of the Constitutional Council on the pension reform expected on Friday “will not change the trauma that there is in the country”. Guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, the president of the Hauts-de-France Region recalled the “political crisis” et “social” traversed by the country. “There are so many people who don’t have a job and can’t get by.”



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