End of Regulated Gas Tariff: Engie’s Gaz Passerelle Offer and Other Alternatives

2023-05-01 00:27:59

The regulated gas sales tariff will disappear on June 30. Consumers who have not changed their gas offer on this date will automatically be offered by Engie a changeover offer called the Gas Gateway Offer. What are the characteristics of this offer and is it advantageous?

End of the regulated tariff and change of gas supply

The regulated natural gas sales tariff (TRVG) is a tariff set by the public authorities on the proposal of the energy regulation commission (CRE) and offered only by the so-called historical supplier, Engie, as well as by local distribution companies (ELD). Since theopening up the energy market to competition for individuals in 2007, these offers coexist with market offers offered by incumbent and alternative suppliers.

Since 2019, he is not no longer possible to take out a gas contract at the regulated tariff. However, some consumers who had subscribed to such an offer before this date ont kept their contract. Ces 2.4 million French will have to change gas supply by July, due to the definitive disappearance of the regulated tariff.

How do I know if I have a regulated rate contract? It’s simple: the gas bills for such a contract all include the words “Regulated Tariff Natural Gas”.

Indeed, the Board of state ruled in 2017 the TRVG contrary to European competition law, as it hinders the process of liberalizing the gas market. There energy-climate law of November 2019 has on his side definitively recorded the abolition of the TRVG on July 1, 2023.

THE concerned consumers by an offer to the TRVG will thus have to change gas supply before June 30, 2023 to turn to a market offer. It is therefore possible to:

Among the multitude of gas suppliers, some offer up to 11% reduction on the regulated gas tariff. To know them, just contact Selectra at ☎️ 09 73 72 73 00.

What is Engie’s Gaz Passerelle offer?

Some consumers could however not having changed the gas supply on their own June 30, 2023, due to a lack of information on this deadline or a lack of time to find out about the other available offers. As of July 1, 2023, these consumers will automatically be offered a transitional offerthe Gaz Passerelle offer.

The Gateway offer is a market offer at indexed prices which is intended to remain an offer transient, leaving time for the households concerned to turn to another market offer. THE price per kWh of gas for this offer may change until July 1 2023, in accordance with price indexation.

THE concerned consumers with a TRVG contract at Engie normally have received a letter specifying the price and the special conditions sale of this offer. For more informationit is also possible to:

  • Inquire via its Engie customer area;
  • Contact the information service by email at info-gazpasserelle.engie.fr or by phone at ☎️ 09 77 42 84 29 (Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

What about ELDs? Customers with a TRVG contract with a local distribution company will also be offered a transitional offer by their supplier, such as the switch offer from ÉS Strasbourg. It is advisable to turn to its ELD to know the conditions of each of these offers. They have not yet all been communicated.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Gateway offer

The Passerelle gas offer presents some advantages :

  • It is tacit, which guarantees customers who have not changed their offer on their own not to find themselves without a gas contract on July 1, 2023;
  • It is eligible for the tariff shield that the Government may put in place in the second quarter of 2023;

On the other hand :

  • The offer would be 3% more expensive than the regulated tariffs, which should represent an increase of approximately 50 euros per year on gas bills (for a household consuming 17,000 kWh per year);
  • The offer is for an indefinite period: consumers will have to consider changing the contract on their own, otherwise they will keep it indefinitely.

Good to know Consumers can terminate their Engie contract at any time and free of charge. This termination does not entail any interruption of the gas supply.

The Gas Gateway offer price is here main reason why it is beneficial to switch offers. Indeed, for a household in zone 2 consuming 17,000 kWh of gas per year, the Passerelle offer represents a annual bill €55 higher than with a TRVG contract.

According to the documents received by certain consumershere is a comparison of the tariffs of the Gaz Passerelle offer and the Regulated tariff in zone 2 for three different annual consumptions:

Annual consumption Gas prices including tax – Gaz Passerelle Gas price including VAT – Regulated tariff
Annual subscription Price per kWh Total annual cost Annual subscription Price per kWh Total annual cost
3000 kWh : 102,09 € 0,13250 € 500,4 € 102,12 € 0,1284 € 487,32 €
7000 kWh : 249,86 € 0,10754 € 1002,64 € 249,84 € 0,1043 € 979,94 €
17000 kWh : 249,86 € 0,10754 € 2078,84 € 249,84 € 0,1043 € 2022,94 €

Attentionces data are indicative and do not necessarily reflect the actual price of the offer on July 1. In effect :

  • The price per kWh of the Gateway offer indicated takes into account an estimate of the reduction in the price per kWh excluding VAT linked to the 2023 tariff shield;
  • This price is valid for March and April 2023, but may change between now and July 1, 2023 in accordance with the indexation of the price per kWh excluding VAT.

Which offers are cheaper than the Gaz Passerelle offer?

Faced with this Gateway offer price, it is therefore interesting for consumers concerned to compare gas offers offered by Engie or by other suppliers.

Know the best gas dealTo discover a selection ofadvantageous gas offers available at this time, do not hesitate to contact a Selectra advisor by telephone at ☎️ 09 73 72 73 00 (free service).

Below is a comparison of a selection of offers available taking into account the current regulated tariff:

*Table updated daily. Prices including VAT. Annual budget calculated for consumption of 10,000 kWh in Lyon at B1 rate

#Gaz #Passerelle #offer

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