End of barrier gestures: the flu returns – Journal de 20 heures

The symptoms do not deceive. Carolina has the flu and her pharmacist is not surprised. The number of medical consultations for flu-like illness has almost doubled in two weeks. This SOS doctor center in Côte-d’Or is no exception. This doctor’s tour begins with a case of the flu. The virus is rampant in all regions and all age groups are affected. A surprising peak of the epidemic. Traditionally, it is rather in February that it appears. For this epidemiologist, the cause of this rebound is quite simple. For her, the relaxation of health measures promotes the circulation of the virus. There would also be a weather effect. The milder temperatures in recent days would encourage the spread of the flu. The vaccination campaign has just ended. However, in this pharmacy in Île-de-France, stocks are always full. Moreover, it is still possible to be vaccinated, but it is no longer reimbursed. It costs 10 euros. In addition to this precautionary measure, doctors remind you that you must respect barrier gestures, wash your hands regularly and ventilate as often as possible. T F1 | Report C. Casanova, M. Brossard



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