Encryption Key Distributed Quantum Computing Technology Reduces Hacking Risk

(Photo: Shutterstock)

New quantum computing technology is expected to enhance security.

british media independentreported on the 29th that a new quantum computing technology, a system in which keys are distributed by quantum particles such as photons, could reduce the risk of hacking.

The research was published in Nature under the titles ‘Experimental Quantum Key Distribution Authenticated by Bell Theory’ and ‘Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution System for Remote Users’.

The research results are expected to help reduce concerns about the ‘quantum apocalypse’, one of the negative impacts that may arise from the proliferation of quantum computers. The ‘quantum apocalypse’ refers to concerns that processing power is too fast, breaking existing security technologies and allowing anyone to see communications.

Researchers now have a solution to this problem, which he said will help keep passwords more secure than they are currently in use when it comes to passwords. Technology is associated with ‘quantum entanglement’, a strange and still mysterious operation that Albert Einstein described as ‘a ghostly-looking operation at a distance’.

In current computers, encryption technology is used to secure communication, and only the person with the key can decrypt it. It’s used for everything from personal messages to credit card numbers that need to be kept secure.

(Photo: Shutterstock)
(Photo: Shutterstock)

These systems work using mathematical problems that are very difficult to solve. Only the owner of the key can do this, and anyone without the key will have to compute the answer to this dilemma for thousands of years, leaving the message jumbled.

However, a hacker can still have the message even if the contents are unreadable. Theoretically, you could hold a message until it finds a bug in the system used to encrypt it, or until security weakens, waiting for a ‘quantum apocalypse’.

When quantum computers are powerful enough to solve this difficult mathematical problem with relative ease, security is at a weak point. Since the difficulty of the problem is the key to using encryption, cracking the problem can break the encryption system.

Scientists have found a way to solve problems using quantum behavior. A system in which keys are distributed by quantum particles such as photons. If a quantum particle is measured, it will immediately be disturbed, so the information can be kept safe.

Attempts to use such a system have been put on hold because it requires trust in some parts of the system, such as the photon source and detector. The more these parts of a system, the more potential weaknesses a hacker can try and penetrate.

In a new paper published in Nature, engineers have found that quantum entanglement can be used to solve problems. The system does not require trust in the device that creates and detects quantum particles.

This is because it uses entangled particles instead of single photons. Because these particles act from a distance, there is no need for a reliable system. Any attempt by hackers to tamper with the system is immediately removed.

AI Times Guest Reporter Lee Han-seon griffin12@gmail.com

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