Encourage Entrepreneurship Development to Support Indonesia in Becoming a Developed Country – 2024-07-04 01:33:33

Inmates make knitted caps in the craft room of the Class IIA Women’s Prison, Sukun, Malang, East Java, Tuesday (19/3/2024). (Antara/Ari Bowo Sucipto)

SUPPORT for the development of national entrepreneurship must be able to be realized in real steps. This is to encourage an increase in the ratio of entrepreneurship that can support Indonesia towards a developed country.

“Various policies aimed at increasing the number of entrepreneurs in the country must be implemented properly as planned,” said Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI Lestari Moerdijat in a written statement, Monday (1/7).

Late last year, the government targeted Indonesia’s entrepreneurship ratio to reach 4% by 2024. The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) noted that by the end of 2023, Indonesia’s entrepreneurship ratio had only reached 3.47%. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurship ratio of developed countries is around 10%-12%.

The government has issued Presidential Regulation Number 2 of 2022 concerning the Development of National Entrepreneurship in 2021-2024 to realize the target. The Presidential Regulation is a guideline for ministries/institutions, local governments, and other stakeholders in developing national entrepreneurship.

In developing national entrepreneurship, ministries/institutions and local governments are expected to provide facilities and incentives as well as recovery to business actors in the form of ease of business licensing registration, facilitation, and standardization and certification. In addition, access to financing and guarantees and prioritization in the procurement of government goods and/or services.

The content of the policy to encourage the achievement of the entrepreneurship ratio target, according to Lestari, actually demands the full support of policy makers at the central and regional levels in realizing the mandate of the regulation. Rerie, Lestari’s nickname, emphasized that without the same commitment between stakeholders in the country, it is difficult to realize the agreed target.

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Regarding the increase in the entrepreneurship ratio, said Rerie, who is also a legislator from Electoral District II of Central Java, it is a strategic step that must be realized immediately. The reason is, the increase in the number of entrepreneurs is one of the indicators of a country entering the level of a developed country.

Rerie really hopes that every child of the nation has a shared awareness to realize Indonesia as a developed country, through various means, including consistently encouraging an increase in the number of entrepreneurs in the country. Because, said the Member of the NasDem Party High Council, with the emergence of new centers of economic growth spread across every region in Indonesia, the potential to realize an increase in national economic growth that is evenly distributed will be increasingly open. (Z-2)

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