Encarnación Regional Hospital looks renovated thanks to works financed by EBY

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The executive director of the Yacyretá Binational Entity (EBY), Luis Benítez Cuevas, visited the Regional Hospital of Encarnación to verify the works that are being carried out in the hospital center, financed by EBY.

During the visit, a meeting was held with the director of the Seventh Health Region of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Juan María Martínez, where the actions and works carried out to improve the functionality of the main hospital center in the region were evaluated.

The current Yacyretá administration has already invested more than 1.5 billion guaraníes in various works and equipment for the Encarnación Hospital. Among the notable interventions are the repair of the laboratory and X-ray roof, the re-adaptation of spaces shared with Diben, and the construction of access ramps that meet inclusion criteria.

These improvements have also been implemented in the inpatient sector, facilitating the mobility of stretchers and people who use wheelchairs. Additionally, Yacyretá has provided the hospital with important equipment for critical medical care areas, contributing to improving the service provided to the community.

Quality of care

Dr. Martínez expressed his gratitude for the significant support that Binacional has provided for the hospital’s building renovation, indicating that this support has marked a “before and after” in the quality of care that they can offer to patients.

Since September 2023, the binational company has also covered the monthly costs of the cleaning service of the Regional Hospital, as well as the building of the Health Region in Encarnación and the health park owned by the health portfolio in the city of Capitán Miranda.

This service is constantly monitored by the Infection Prevention Committee, underlining the importance of aseptic maintenance in the medical center facilities.

The visit and the actions carried out by the Yacyretá Binational Entity represent an important step towards improving the infrastructure and quality of care at the Regional Hospital of Encarnación, thus benefiting the population of Itapúa, EBY reported.

#Encarnación #Regional #Hospital #renovated #works #financed #EBY
2024-08-28 18:59:18



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