[EN:터뷰]I heard everything about ‘Alien + Humans’ and director Choi Dong-hoon’s behind-the-scenes details from the producer.

2024-01-22 21:09:00

Kim Seong-min, producer of Caper Film, the production company of the movie ‘Alien + Humans’. Reporter Park Jong-min※ Spoiler alert

From ‘The Thieves’ (2012), ‘Assassination’ (2015) and ‘Aliens + Humans’ Part 1 (2022) to ‘Aliens + Humans’ Part 2 (2024), producer (PD) Kim Seong-min is always present at the sites where director Choi Dong-hoon has been running. There was. Director Choi, who was always roaming the field, might not be left to run alone, so PD Kim always ran by his side. He has reliably protected Director Choi at close range, both mentally and physically.

After jumping into the difficult challenge of the ‘Alien + Human’ project, he also searched for the best and wandered around the field in search of possibilities so that Director Choi might pour out his all. I gained a lot in the process. These are ‘people’ and ‘confidence’. The assets of a reliable colleague who can be by his side at any time and the confidence that he can accomplish anything are also great achievements that ‘Alien + Human’ left to him.

In this interview, what kind of director was Director Choi Dong-hoon, which I realized anew through the ‘Alien + Human’ project, whether the running time with Director Choi was worth it, what efforts he made to complete ‘Alien + Human’, and ‘Alien + Human’. ‘ I tried to explain what he left behind. I was able to hear quite a fun and surprising episode. Behind-the-scenes still cuts from the movie ‘Alien + Humans’. Provided by CJ ENM

Director Choi Dong-hoon as seen by the producer

Producer Kim worked with director Choi Dong-hoon on ‘The Thieves’, ‘Assassination’, and ‘Alien + Humans’. Having watched Director Choi for a long time, he said, “What I admire most is his quick judgment.”

He said, “For example, if the director says that the location he wanted is not available, he tries to make the next best location the ‘best’ location.” He added, “It is a good thing for a worker to make quick decisions and do his best in a given environment.” .

He added, “Of course, film is an art of collaboration, but on the other hand, it is also the art of the director. In Korea, the director is also the writer, so everything starts from the director.” He added, “Then it is easy to become single-minded, but the director reflects a lot of the opinions of the staff.” “So the directing and production team can’t help but be happy to see their ideas reflected in the movie.”

Behind-the-scenes still cuts from the movie ‘Alien + Humans’. Provided by CJ ENM Another thing that has not changed regarding Director Choi for a long time is that he runs around the field. Even when talking with actors, I always run around the scene. Director Choi shouts “Shoot!” while talking to the actors on set and running back because he doesn’t think the time is a waste. Thanks to this, PD Kim also worked hard on set with Director Choi.

“The thing that impressed me the most was the day when Ji-hyun Jeon became a sniper and shot the Japanese soldiers while filming ‘Assassination’. It was really far away. The distance between where Ji-hyun Jeon was and the monitor was regarding 200 meters, and that night “I ran. The coach ran, so I ran along with him, and we talked while running. It was really hard.” (laugh)

He laughed, saying that fortunately this time there was a lot of filming on set, so the distance between the scene and the monitor was not that long, so it was relatively easy to run around. He laughed once more, saying, “I was fortunate that most of the distance was covered without having to sprint.” Screen capture of Part 1 of the movie ‘Alien + Humans.’

Confusion and Baby Ian’s Secret

Producer Kim, who told various behind-the-scenes details of the ‘Alien + Human’ scene, also talked regarding the birth process of King Woo (Shin Jeong-geun) and King Left (Lee Si-hoon), the cat duo who live in Muruk’s fan.

The cat that is responsible for the cuteness of the movie is a digital character. However, in order to make this digital cat appear on the screen as if it were ‘real’, there had to be a ‘real’ cat on site. Since I mightn’t place the cat in the desired location and film it, I released it on site and filmed the cat. So where did these cat models come from?

“I scanned several cats, one a tabby cat that is unique to Korea, and one a black cat. I scanned regarding six cats, selected two of them, and filmed those two on the spot. One of them was Gyeong-mi Lee. “It’s the director’s cat.”

After the cat model was decided, actors Shin Jeong-geun and Lee Si-hoon, who played the right and left kings, devoted themselves to cat research. I worked hard to imitate the cat’s unique behavior, such as nibbling and the cat jumping up and scratching. Producer Kim said, “The actors really put in a lot of effort. If you look at the details, there are still some interesting details.”

Behind-the-scenes still cuts from the movie ‘Alien + Humans’. Provided by CJ ENM A lot of things changed while filming ‘Alien + Human’ during the COVID-19 pandemic. The train scene was initially shot outdoors, but was changed to indoors, and the locations were changed numerous times due to the lack of location selection. The biggest challenge was casting the role of Baby Ian. Naturally, no parents wanted to send their newborn children to the filming set during the pandemic.

So PD Kim had to make a decision. He decided to feature his daughter, who was born around Crankin and was 7 months old at the time. Fortunately, her wife readily agreed. PD Kim might not hide his gratitude to his wife and mother-in-law.

So one night in September, the staff started buzzing at the sight of a woman carrying a baby in a swaddle. It was a cry directed at the heartless father who sent only his wife and child down to Mungyeong in the middle of the night. Until then, I didn’t know that they were PD Kim’s wife and child. PD Kim, who was talking at the time, said, “What was surprising was that the child cried a lot at that time, but surprisingly, she stopped crying when Kim Woo-bin appeared. She recognized Kim Woo-bin’s beauty, which even a 7-month-old child recognized. The child is now five years old. “He laughed.

When a 7-month-old child turns 5, another interesting episode left behind by the longest-running production in Korean film history is ‘Production Baby’. The ending credits list the names of seven children born during production. PD Kim said, “It means I’m thankful for being born precious while mom and dad were working hard.” Producer Kim Seong-min of Caper Film, the production company of the movie “Alien + Humans.” Reporter Park Jong-min

What the ‘Alien+Human’ project left to producer Kim Seong-min

It was snowing when filming the action scene in front of the guard’s (Kim Woo-bin) house in the second half of Part 2, which can be said to be the highlight action. Snow was not allowed to enter the filming scene, so all the staff rushed out to clear the snow. Like this, all the staff were together from the beginning to the end of the movie. Although it was the longest production, apart from the less than 10 staff members who had to withdraw for their own reasons, the entire staff worked together for that long period of time for ‘Alien + Humans’.

PD Kim said, “I asked if anyone was having a hard time, and if they were really having a hard time, I would replace them, but no one said they would quit. I think everyone also had a desire to complete the task of creating new history,” and added, “I think I gained someone.”

Thanks to the staff who persevered through the difficult challenge, PD Kim was also able to complete the challenge of ‘Alien + Human’ without regrets. He said, “The goal was to make it entirely with domestic technology and our own capabilities. Everyone really did their best and I am proud of having made it.”

PD Kim also gained confidence. He felt like he might do any project given to him. As he puts it, ‘Alien + Human’ was such a challenging project that ‘The Thieves’ and ‘Assassination’ felt like child’s play.

“I don’t think there will be many movies that are more difficult than this. Unless the director asks to do a third part of ‘Alien + Human’… (laughter) ‘Alien + Human’ gives other directors and other teams the feeling that, ‘We can do this even this way.’ “I think it served as a priming water for Korean films, instilling in them. As the creator, I did my best.” (laugh)


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