Empowering Women: Legal Experts Urge New Legislators to Prioritize Women’s Rights and Lifesaving Reforms

Lawmakers entering the chambers of deputies and senators starting August 16, along with those who have been ratified, are obliged to engage in an act of Christianity and must follow the example of Jesus Christ, by loving and understanding women and promoting women’s lives by approving the three exceptions in the Penal Code.

This statement was made by lawyer and gender specialist, Radhive Pérez Acosta, who argued that it is irrational for churches and Catholic and evangelical leaders to impose their particular views on the life of the unborn on the entire country, when in reality the life that must be defended is that of women, who would be subjected to death if the three exceptions are not approved in cases of pregnancies with congenital malformations, which are many, sexual assaults, and when the life of the mother is in danger.

Radhive Pérez, who has worked at the National Council of Early Childhood Care Centers, in the Gender Office of CONANI, and at the Integrated Adolescent Health Promotion Center of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, identified herself as a feminist. She stated that churches have significant manipulation over political power, which should not be the case.

She expressed that there will be weakness and a lack of the rule of law, established by the Constitution, as long as the state (not the government) does not assume its obligation towards a comprehensive policy at all levels to guarantee the exercise of rights to sexual education, a life free from violence, and that couple relationships do not harm society and only concern those participating in the relationship.

She mentioned that from her experience with the last attempt to approve a medieval penal code, she hopes that lawmakers learn and contribute to the country a much better code, one that incorporates new crimes while ensuring rights and not condoning impunity.

Radhive Pérez was interviewed by journalist Fausto Rosario Adames on his program ¿Y tú…qué dices?, which is aired daily on AcentoTV.



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