Empowering Women in Sports: The Campeonas 2.4 Initiative Fosters Violence-Free Football and Essential Life Skills

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Campeonas 2.4 Program, whose motto is “With the shirt on for equality in football” was launched at the Integration House of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), with the participation of the Minister of Women, Cynthia Figueredo and the manager of Gender, Inclusion and Diversity of the CAF, Ana María Baiardi, among other authorities.

Campeonas 2.4 is an initiative of the CAF, promoted by the International Olympic Committee and led by the SES Foundation (Solidarity, Education and Sustainability).

The main objective is to contribute to gender equality through the empowerment and leadership of girls and adolescent football players in countries in the region, promoting their comprehensive development and the capabilities of the technical and management teams of their football clubs.

Minister for Women Cynthia Figueredo urged more women to participate in sports, highlighting the importance of creating safe spaces so that more girls and young women can take part in these programs that teach values ​​and promote a healthy life free of violence.

In turn, Ana María Baiardi, the manager of Gender, Inclusion and Diversity at Caf, highlighted that the program involves a pedagogical process so that girls and adolescents know their rights, can identify early warnings of violence and know how to act. We also seek to work on their physical and mental health and on the development of socio-emotional skills, said Ana María Baiardi.

He noted that in the Paraguay chapter they welcome Fluminense from Luque, Renacer from San Lorenzo, SUMMA from Caacupé, November 27 from Yaguarón and Central Guaraní, integrated by three peoples of the nation Guarani, Ava, Mbya and Aché. It is a great honor to be part of Champions!, she added.

Safe and inclusive environments

Baiardi also said that last year they started the program with 80 girls and adolescents and this year they plan to reach 400, putting the jersey on so that Campeonas has a regional reach, and so that girls and adolescents can develop their passion for sport in safe and inclusive environments.

This program seeks to raise awareness about the importance of women’s participation in all areas, and especially in sports, encouraging the creation of respectful and violence-free environments, promoting digital literacy and strengthening socio-emotional skills.

Four Paraguayan football clubs will develop a pedagogical proposal adapted to the needs of adolescent girls, technical teams and communities.

This pilot program has been highly demanded by different clubs, receiving important institutional support such as that of the National Secretariat of Sports, the Ministry of Children and Adolescents, the Ministry of Women and private companies.

During the launch of the Champions 2.4 Program, agreements were signed between the Interior Football Union (UFI) and the clubs Fluminense of Luque, Renacer of San Lorenzo, SUMMA of Caacupé, 27 de Noviembre of Guarapi, Yaguarón, the Association Kuña Guaraní Aty and Central Guaraní.

#Campeonas #Program #promotes #womens #football #free #violence #socioemotional #skills
2024-09-06 08:21:12
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Title: ⁢Empowering Girls in Football: The Campeonas 2.4 Program Takes Off

Meta Description: Discover the Campeonas 2.4 program, an initiative promoting gender equality and empowering girls in football. Learn how this ⁤initiative is⁣ making ​a⁤ difference ⁣in Latin America ⁤and the Caribbean.

Header Tags:

H1: Empowering Girls in Football: The Campeonas 2.4 Program Takes Off

H2: Promoting Gender Equality Through Football

H2: Creating Safe and Inclusive Environments for Girls

H2: A Comprehensive Program for Girls’ Development


The ‌Campeonas 2.4 program, a groundbreaking initiative aimed‌ at⁢ promoting gender equality‌ and empowering girls in football, has officially⁤ launched ⁤in ⁣Latin America and the Caribbean. ‍This program, led ‌by the​ SES‌ Foundation (Solidarity, Education, and Sustainability)‍ and promoted by⁤ the International Olympic ⁢Committee, seeks‌ to contribute to the comprehensive development of girls ​and ⁤adolescent football players in the region.

Promoting‌ Gender Equality Through Football

The Campeonas ⁢2.4 program‌ is built on the foundation of empowering girls and women through football. By providing safe and inclusive environments, the program aims ⁣to promote gender equality⁤ and challenge traditional stereotypes in sports. ⁣The⁤ initiative’s motto, “With the shirt on for equality ​in football,” reflects its‌ commitment to creating a level ​playing field for girls and women ‌in ‍the ⁢region.

Creating ‌Safe and Inclusive Environments for⁣ Girls

One of ​the program’s primary objectives is to create safe and inclusive‍ environments where girls can develop ⁢their passion for football without fear of violence,⁢ discrimination, or exclusion. The program’s pedagogical process focuses on educating girls about their rights, identifying ⁢early warnings of violence, and developing socio-emotional skills ⁤to ensure their well-being and safety.

A ‍Comprehensive Program⁤ for Girls’‌ Development

The Campeonas 2.4 program offers a comprehensive approach ​to girls’ development, encompassing physical, ⁣mental, and⁢ emotional aspects. The program’s ⁣four Paraguayan football​ clubs ⁢will develop a pedagogical proposal adapted to the needs of‍ adolescent girls, technical teams,‌ and communities. This holistic approach aims ​to promote ⁢digital literacy, strengthen socio-emotional skills, and raise awareness about the importance⁢ of women’s participation⁤ in sports.


The Campeonas 2.4 program marks a significant step forward in promoting ‍gender equality and empowering girls⁢ in football. By creating safe and inclusive environments, promoting digital literacy, and strengthening socio-emotional skills, this initiative has ​the potential to make a lasting impact⁢ on the lives of⁣ girls and women in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Keyword Optimization:

Campeonas 2.4 program

Gender equality

Empowering girls ​in football

Latin ⁣America and the ⁣Caribbean

‍Safe and inclusive environments

‌ Digital ​literacy

Socio-emotional skills

Women’s⁢ participation in sports

Image⁤ Optimization:

Use descriptive alt tags and titles for images, ⁤such as “Campeonas 2.4 program launch event”​ or “Girls participating in a football training session.”

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