Empowering Unity: A Diplomatic Bond Forms as First Ladies of Guatemala and Costa Rica Join Forces with the Saraki Foundation

Asunción, IP Agency.- The first ladies of Guatemala, Lucrecia Eugenia Peinado Villanueva, and of Costa Rica, Signe Zeikate, visited the Saraki Foundation. One of the notable projects was the Mbareté Network, an initiative created jointly with the Office of the First Lady of Paraguay.

This space seeks to strengthen the ecosystem of programs and services for entrepreneurs, with special emphasis on accessibility and inclusion and empowering entrepreneurs with disabilities.

During the tour, the first ladies learned about the programs and projects that the foundation implements to empower people with disabilities, providing them with the necessary tools to fully integrate into society and actively participate in the economic and social development of Paraguay.

On the occasion they highlighted the valuable work carried out by the foundation, in defense and promotion of the rights of people with disabilities in Paraguay.

The dignitaries stressed the importance of continuing to support this type of initiatives, which not only promote inclusion, but also open new opportunities for people with disabilities to develop their potential and contribute to the growth of the country.

The Saraki Foundation, founded in 1996, was a fundamental pillar in the creation of a more inclusive and supportive society, committed to the transformation of individual ideas into collective actions.

Through his work, Saraki focused on promoting the recognition, defense and realization of the fundamental rights of people with disabilities, positively impacting not only this sector, but society as a whole.

#ladies #Guatemala #Costa #Rica #visited #Saraki #Foundation



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