Empowering the Low-Altitude Economy: Strategies and Development in General Aviation and Drones

2024-03-30 12:30:35

As a strategic emerging industry, low-altitude economy not only includes traditional general aviation business, but also integrates low-altitude production and service methods supported by drones. It is empowered by informatization and digital management technology and integrated with more economic and social activities. It has It has obvious characteristics of new productive forces and broad development space.

“As the national civil aviation authority, the Civil Aviation Administration is mainly responsible for industry management in promoting the development of the low-altitude economy.” On March 29, Sun Wensheng, deputy director of the General Department of the Civil Aviation Administration, said at a press conference of the Civil Aviation Administration that in recent years, In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, relevant civil aviation units and departments have done a lot of work to promote the development of low-altitude economic related industries such as general aviation and drones, and have achieved positive results.

Data show that as of the end of 2023, there were 690 registered general aviation companies nationwide, operating 2,900 aircraft, 1.267 million domestically registered drones, and 19,000 companies operating drones.

  Contribute to civil aviation in opening up a new low-altitude economic track

In recent years, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to low-level economic development and have continuously made strategic arrangements at the macro level and top-level design.

In 2021, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the “National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning Outline”, which included low-altitude economy into the development plan for the first time.

The Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year clearly proposed the creation of a number of strategic emerging industries such as the low-altitude economy.

On January 1, 2024, the State Council implemented the “Interim Regulations on the Management of Unmanned Aircraft Flights” to further standardize the development of the low-altitude economic drone industry.

On February 23 this year, the fourth meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Commission focused on reducing logistics costs for the whole society and emphasized encouraging the development of new logistics models that combine platform economy, low-altitude economy, autonomous driving, etc.

Sun Wensheng said that in the next step, the Civil Aviation Administration will resolutely implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the deployment of the fourth meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Commission, fully understand the significance of developing the low-altitude economy, base on its own responsibilities, and carry out aircraft airworthiness certification and low-altitude flight service guarantees. Strengthen research and planning on infrastructure construction standards, market access, safety supervision and other aspects.

Sun Wensheng said that the Civil Aviation Administration of China will continue to cooperate with the work related to the national low-altitude reform, accelerate the implementation of airspace classification management, implement the “Interim Regulations on Unmanned Aircraft Flight Management”, and improve the Unmanned Aircraft Integrated Management Platform (UOM) function, coordinate relevant parties to jointly strengthen the construction of the service support system for low-altitude flight activities, and continue to improve service support such as plan approval, air traffic control, meteorology, communications, and surveillance for low-altitude flight activities.

In addition, in response to the new demand for infrastructure due to the development of the low-altitude economy, the Civil Aviation Administration will further improve the construction and operation standards of general airports, promote the construction of general airports and temporary take-off and landing points; further enhance the airworthiness certification capabilities, and optimize aircraft airworthiness standards and certification models and technology, strengthen the construction of the UAV airworthiness certification system and capabilities, explore and innovate the UAV airworthiness certification model, and better adapt to the airworthiness review needs required for the development of the low-altitude economy; summarize relevant experience in general aviation management reform, organize Coordinate the market development policies of various low-altitude economic sectors such as traditional general aviation and unmanned aviation; iteratively upgrade the safety supervision system for low-altitude flights, and improve the integrated operations of transport aviation, general aviation, unmanned aviation, etc. in view of the future low-altitude operation situation The safe operation rules, standards and relevant regulatory policies for various flight activities in the scenario will further improve the effectiveness of safety supervision and contribute to civil aviation in striving to open up a new track for the low-altitude economy.

  Low-altitude flight service support capabilities continue to improve

Luo Hongjiang, deputy director of the Air Traffic Control Industry Management Office of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, said that to integrate into the safe and efficient operation of the national airspace system, whether manned or unmanned aircraft, the low-altitude flight service guarantee system must be continuously improved and the low-altitude navigation service guarantee capability must be improved.

In accordance with the relevant division of tasks, civil aviation is responsible for the construction of low-altitude flight service support systems. In accordance with the “Overall Plan for the Construction of Low-Altitude Flight Service Guarantee System” issued in 2018, various civil aviation units have comprehensively carried out various tasks such as the construction of a three-level low-altitude flight service guarantee system and the improvement of support capabilities.

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In recent years, significant progress has been made in the construction of low-altitude flight service support system, which is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:

First, a system of regulations and standards for low-altitude flight services has been established. Second, the construction of a three-level flight service support system has achieved initial results. Third, low-altitude flight service support capabilities have been continuously improved.

Luo Hongjiang said that after years of system construction, the three-level low-altitude flight service guarantee system has been basically completed, the low-altitude intelligence and meteorological surveillance service capabilities have been continuously improved, and flight plan management has been gradually simplified, laying a solid foundation for the development of the low-altitude economy.

In the next step, in terms of accelerating the low-altitude flight service guarantee system, the Civil Aviation Administration will focus on three aspects of work: First, cooperate with relevant departments to promote the pilot experience of airspace classification and low-altitude airspace management reform. The second is to work with local governments to speed up the construction of service stations and promote “one-stop service.” The third is to continuously optimize and improve the low-altitude navigation service system and capabilities, and strengthen the operational coordination of manned aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles.

  Take multiple measures to create a new situation in general aviation

The general aviation (including drones) industry is an important engine for the development of low-altitude economy. In recent years, the Civil Aviation Administration of China has focused on the high-quality development of general aviation in the new era, anchored goals and taken multiple measures, creating a new situation in general aviation work.

According to Shang Kejia, deputy director of the Transportation Department of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, since the State Council issued the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of the General Aviation Industry” in 2016, the Civil Aviation Administration of China has incorporated “flying on both wings” into its overall work approach, established a leading group for general aviation work, and compiled The special plans for general aviation development during the 13th and 14th Five-Year Plans are to break down the tasks and push them forward.

Shang Kejia said that the Civil Aviation Administration of China has successively approved aviation reform pilot projects in various fields such as license approval optimization, regulatory model adjustment, airport construction classification, cross-business integration, emergency rescue and rescue, information platform construction, drone logistics and distribution, covering 80% the above provinces. Support local governments in establishing unmanned aviation test zones.

Shang Kejia pointed out that with the joint efforts of many parties, general aviation has achieved rapid development in recent years. Traditional navigation is making steady progress. As of the end of 2023, there were 690 registered general aviation companies in the country, operating 2,900 aircraft, and flying an average of 114,000 hours per month, which were 2.5 times, 1.5 times and 1.8 times those in 2015 respectively.

The new drone industry is booming. As of the end of 2023, there were 1.267 million registered drones in the country, a year-on-year increase of 32.2%; there were 19,000 companies operating drones; statistics on civilian drones flew 23.11 million hours throughout the year, a year-on-year increase of 11.8%.

Guarantee capabilities continue to improve. As of the end of 2023, there will be 449 general airports in the country, 7.4 times the number in 2015. Local governments and civil aviation control units have built a total of 28 flight service stations, serving 26 provinces. Aviation fuel services have basically achieved full coverage of general airports. 2,128 traditional general aviation aircraft are equipped with Beidou terminals, accounting for more than 70% of the fleet.

The safety level is stable and controllable. From 2016 to 2022, the average annual compound growth rate of traditional general aviation flights was 8.1%. The fatal accident rate per 10,000 hours during the same period was less than 0.06 (0.1 in the same period in the United States). The number of accidents per million hours was 13 and the number of fatalities was 11. In 2023, the number of general aviation flights will increase by 27.5% compared with 2019, and the accident rate per 10,000 flights will decrease by 42.1% compared with 2019.

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