Empowering the Future: The Impact of 1.5 Million Workers on the Digital Workforce Revolution

The implementation of its measure so far is considered particularly satisfactory Digital Job Cardwhich is demonstrated by the increase in declared overtime compared to previous years in the sectors that have already been included in this measure.

A typical example is the case of supermarkets. Based on the data of the “ERGANI/taxonomy/term/727” Information System, it was noted increase in declared overtime in supermarkets, since, from the start of the implementation of the measure until the end of 2023, a cumulative increase of +61.2% was observed.

Already73,000 businesses, with 750,000 employees from banks, large supermarkets, insurance companies, security companies, DEKO, industry and retail, fully implement the Digital Work Card, while, a few days ago, its use was extended in a pilot phase initially to the tourism and food sectors, to be fully implemented from March 1, 2025.

So, roughly 1,500,000 workers in the largest sectors of the domestic economy are now expected to “tap” the Digital Card when they arrive and when they leave their workplace, accurately recording the time of their physical presence there, with the ultimate goal of gradually extending the application of the measure to all businesses in the country.

Also, businesses operating in the tourism and catering sectors (e.g. hotels, accommodation, rooms for rent, camping and catering facilities) must take advantage of the adjustment period in order to adapt to the new data and install the required technological equipment, which is essentially a tablet.

For its part, the Ministry of Labor states that the dialogue with social agencies will be open and continuous, just as it happened with the other sectors of professional activity that have already been included in the measure of the Digital Work Card.

Meanwhile, in the period between March 1, the ministry intends to implement webinars, as well as informative actions in many parts of Greece, in cooperation with the representatives of employees and employers, with the aim of fully informing about the correct application of the Digital Work Card and the resolution of technical issues, where they arise.

According to the Ministry of Labor, the Digital Work Card is the best guarantee for respecting the schedule, as the interests of workers are safeguarded by full recording of actual hours worked and full remuneration for each hour worked.

At the same time, the framework for transparent and effective controls is created, businesses that respect the law are protected from unfair competition against those that apply undeclared or underreported work practices, and the income of the insurance system from contributions is guaranteed.

How the implementation of the measure is ensured

With the aim of the faithful implementation of the measure by businesses, the Labor Inspectorate constantly carries out intensive checks, which concern, among other things, the marking of the employees’ Digital Card.

Based on the current legislation, if, during the control, it is found that the employee has started his employment in the building facilities of his employer, without being marked with the Digital Labor Card, significant administrative fines and sanctions are imposed by the Labor Inspectors, amounting to to 10,500 euros for each incorrectly declared employee.

The same will happen, if it is found that the employee has a “false” marking of his Digital Card, with which he allegedly declares his departure from the company, while, in fact, he is still working, carrying out undeclared overtime work.

Indicatively, the Labor Inspectorate in the field of labor relations confirmed 211 violations related to the Digital Labor Card in August 2024 and imposed fines amounting to 445,800.00 euros, while, in the eight months of January-August 2024, 1,469 violations related to the non- correct application of the Digital Work Card, with a total amount of fines of 3,752,690.00 euros.

Kerameos: The goal is to protect workers

Speaking to APE-MBE, the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Niki Kerameos, states that the aim of the Digital Labor Card is to protect workers, as it promotes transparent labor relations, since it records the actual working hours, combats the phenomena of undeclared and of implied labor and protects healthy businesses.

As the minister points out, last July, the Digital Work Card measure was fully implemented in catering and retail. Now, we have extended its application to the tourism and catering sectors on a pilot basis.

“Our goal is to include all sectors and, therefore, all workers in this protection grid,” says Ms. Kerameos.

Source: RES-MPE

#million #workers #Digital #Work #Card #ensure #implementation #measure

How has Greece’s Digital Job Card improved the ⁤recording of working‌ hours for employees? ‌

Greece’s Digital Job Card: A Success Story in ​Protecting Workers’ Rights

The implementation of Greece’s Digital Job ‌Card, a measure aimed at ensuring‍ the accurate recording ‌of working hours and ‌combating ⁣undeclared labor, has‌ been deemed ‍particularly satisfactory. The data speaks for itself, with a significant increase in declared‌ overtime in sectors that have already adopted the digital ‌system. This article delves into the successes of the Digital Job Card, ​its expansion to new sectors, and⁢ the benefits it provides ⁣to workers and businesses alike.

A Success Story in Supermarkets

One of the most notable success stories ⁣of the Digital Job Card​ is in⁢ the supermarket sector. ‍According to the ERGANI ⁣Information System, there‌ has‍ been a cumulative increase of 61.2% in declared ⁤overtime in supermarkets since the‍ implementation⁢ of the‍ measure. This indicates that the digital system is effectively combating undeclared labor⁤ and‌ ensuring that workers receive the compensation they deserve.

Wide Adoption Across Sectors

The Digital Job Card has already been ⁢implemented in 73,000 businesses across various sectors,​ including banks, supermarkets, insurance companies,⁢ security companies, and industries, benefiting ⁤750,000 employees.⁢ The system is set to expand to the tourism and food sectors, with‌ the goal of covering all businesses in Greece. It is estimated ​that approximately 1,500,000 workers will be using the Digital Job Card by the end of 2025.

Benefits for Workers and Businesses

The Digital Job Card‍ is the best guarantee for ⁢respecting workers’ schedules and ensuring they receive full compensation for ⁤their hours⁤ worked. The ⁢system creates a framework for​ transparent and effective controls, protecting businesses that respect the law from unfair competition. Additionally, the Digital Job Card⁢ ensures that the⁢ income of the insurance​ system from contributions is guaranteed.

Ensuring Compliance

To ensure the faithful implementation⁣ of the measure, the Labor Inspectorate ⁢conducts intensive checks on businesses. Failure to comply with the regulations can result in significant administrative fines and⁢ sanctions, amounting to 10,500 euros for each incorrectly declared employee.⁤ The Labor Inspectorate has already confirmed 1,469 ⁤violations related to⁤ the non-correct application of the ​Digital Work Card, imposing fines‍ totaling 3,752,690 euros ‍in the first eight months of 2024.

Government Support

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security has committed to maintaining an open and ⁤continuous ‍dialogue with social agencies to address any concerns and ⁣technical issues that may arise during the implementation of the Digital Job‌ Card. The ministry‍ will also conduct⁣ webinars⁢ and informative actions across Greece to educate businesses and ​workers on ‍the correct application⁣ of the system.

Minister Kerameos: Protecting Workers’‌ Rights

In an ‍interview ​with APE-MBE, Minister of Labor and ​Social Security Niki ‌Kerameos emphasized that the goal of the Digital Job Card is to protect workers’⁤ rights and ​ensure that⁢ they receive‌ fair‌ compensation ‍for their work. The minister’s vision is to create a fair and transparent labor‍ market⁢ where workers are valued and respected.

the⁤ Digital Job Card has ⁢been a resounding⁤ success in Greece, ​demonstrating the government’s commitment to protecting workers’ rights and combating undeclared labor. As the system continues⁣ to⁢ expand to new sectors, it is⁤ expected to have a profound impact on‍ the country’s labor market, promoting fairness, transparency,‍ and respect for workers’‌ rights.

Keywords: Digital Job Card,‌ Greece, labor ​market, workers’ rights, undeclared labor, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, ⁤Niki Kerameos.

Meta Description: Learn about Greece’s Digital Job Card, a‌ measure ‌aimed at‌ protecting workers’ rights and combating undeclared ‍labor. Discover its successes, benefits, and expansion to new sectors.

Header⁢ Tags:

H1: Greece’s Digital Job Card: A ‌Success Story in Protecting Workers’ Rights

H2: A Success Story in Supermarkets

H2:​ Wide Adoption⁤ Across Sectors

H2: Benefits for Workers and Businesses

⁣H2: Ensuring Compliance

H2: Government Support

*⁣ H2: Minister Kerameos: ‍Protecting Workers’ Rights

How does the Digital Work Card improve the recording of working hours for workers in Greece?

The Implementation of the Digital Work Card: A Milestone in Protecting Workers’ Rights

The Greek government’s decision to introduce the Digital Work Card has been hailed as a major success, with a significant increase in declared overtime in sectors that have already implemented the measure. The Digital Work Card, an innovative measure aimed at promoting transparent labor relations, has been praised for its ability to accurately record working hours, combat undeclared work, and protect workers’ rights.

A Positive Trend in Declared Overtime

According to data from the ERGANI Information System, supermarkets have seen a cumulative increase of 61.2% in declared overtime since the implementation of the Digital Work Card. This upward trend is a clear indication of the measure’s effectiveness in promoting fair labor practices. Moreover, over 73,000 businesses with 750,000 employees from various sectors, including banks, supermarkets, insurance companies, security companies, DEKO, industry, and retail, have already fully implemented the Digital Work Card.

Expansion of the Digital Work Card to New Sectors

In a pilot phase, the use of the Digital Work Card has been extended to the tourism and food sectors, with full implementation set to begin on March 1, 2025. This move is expected to benefit approximately 1,500,000 workers in these sectors, who will now be able to accurately record their working hours and receive fair remuneration for their work.

Benefits of the Digital Work Card

The Digital Work Card offers numerous benefits, including:

Accurate recording of working hours, ensuring fair remuneration for workers

Protection of workers’ rights, preventing undeclared and underreported work practices

Transparent labor relations, promoting healthy competition among businesses

Increased revenue for the insurance system through contributions

Ensuring Compliance

To ensure the faithful implementation of the Digital Work Card, the Labor Inspectorate conducts regular checks on businesses, imposing significant administrative fines and sanctions on those found to be in violation. In August 2024, the Labor Inspectorate confirmed 211 violations related to the Digital Labor Card, imposing fines totaling 445,800 euros. Similar measures will be taken to ensure compliance in the tourism and food sectors.

Government Commitment to Protecting Workers

The Greek government has reiterated its commitment to protecting workers’ rights, with Labor Minister Niki Kerameos stating that the Digital Work Card aims to promote transparent labor relations, combat undeclared work, and protect healthy businesses. The ministry has pledged to maintain open dialogue with social agencies and provide informative actions to ensure a smooth transition for businesses.


The implementation of the Digital Work Card has been hailed as a significant milestone in protecting workers’ rights in Greece. With its expansion to new sectors, the measure is expected to benefit even more workers, promoting fair labor practices and transparent labor relations. As the government continues to monitor compliance and take measures to prevent violations, the Digital Work Card is poised to become a model for other countries seeking to protect workers’ rights.

Keyword Optimization:

Digital Work Card

Labor Relations

Workers’ Rights


Transparent Labor Relations

Undeclared Work

Healthy Businesses

Government Commitment

Labor Inspectorate


Fines and Sanctions

Meta Description:

Discover the success of Greece’s Digital Work Card, a measure aimed at promoting transparent labor relations, combating undeclared work, and protecting workers’ rights. Learn about its implementation, benefits, and expansion to new sectors.

Header Tags:

H1: The Implementation of the Digital Work Card: A Milestone in Protecting Workers’ Rights

H2: A Positive Trend in Declared Overtime

H2: Expansion of the Digital Work Card to New Sectors

H2: Benefits of the Digital Work Card

H2: Ensuring Compliance

H2: Government Commitment to Protecting Workers

H2: Conclusion



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